Just went out the back of house and shot the cats dinner,they were happy.![]()
Just went out the back of house and shot the cats dinner,they were happy.![]()
That scope wearing a thermal add-on?
A GUIDE TA 435.No zeroing,just clips of front of scope.Great little unit.You could watch a mouse climb up a small bush 50yds away in pitch black darkness.Rabbits,pigs and deer havent got a chance.
This morning one of our cats caught his own breakfast , a wee bunny then repeated the feat for dinner (this time he shared half the mosel with dog!)
Theres a law banning export of cat skins. Don't know if you're allowed to eat them.
Think id be on the firing line menu from my wife if i shot our gamekeeper.![]()
Last edited by Trout; 26-08-2021 at 09:09 AM.
Not much left to skin after HC shot a whole familly with the 243 in the Haka.5 in total in a couple of minuts.
I get the feline that some on here dont like cats. Please paws for a minute and think of how it looks to the general public who view the forum. While I accept that they kill native wildlife, littering the landscape with dead cats is not in our best interests and will create adverse publicity. Getting offside with the public creates a furrmidible hurdle for us all and loses us valuable furrends in high places (as has hisstorically happend) and could result in the way hunters are purrceived.
I would be lion if I said I loved cats, but some of the comments posted up on the forum are litteraly appawling. I am not kitten.
I therefore would ask the purrpetrators of such comments to stop providing mewsic to the ears of those who seek to ostracize us as the pawsibility of the consequences could be catastrophic..
We dont need to be pawtrayed as killers! So, come on guys say something pawsitive about cats for once................
See several cats on my morning walk, invariably sitting under a lowish bush waiting for wax eyes to appear to make into a cats breakfast…
‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’
Yes they treat mice like a tennis ball.
MERCEDES half bred rag doll cat.His mother was a show cat.He weighs about 14lb but still catchs rabbits.Very intelligent cat.11yrs old now.My thermo monoculars doesnt pick up his body heat very well,except his head.He wears a very good thermo coat.🙂