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Thread: Cheap and easy torch/moderator glare fix

  1. #1
    MB is offline
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    Cheap and easy torch/moderator glare fix

    I mounted a torch on to my scope for "lamping" bunnies. It worked really well apart from glare caused by light reflecting off the moderator. A quick Google revealed this to be a common problem. One of the solutions is to move the torch back as far as possible. I did this and it got rid of most, but not all of the reflected light.

    Another trick is to put a bit of tape on the lower half of the scope objective. This worked, but I couldn't see myself fiddling around with bits of tape in the darkness, so I took a knife to a spare rubber scope lens protector for a more robust solution.

    It's not pretty, but it works very well!

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  2. #2
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    I just glued a piece of black rubber onto the back of the suppressor so it has an angle rather than a vertical surface facing the scope. What little light is reflected back goes up instead of into the scope. The other rifle (my 22) has the scope mounted under the barrel rather than on to and this avoids the problem all together. In my case it does not affect POI or accuracy but off the stock could work as well.

  3. #3
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    I just glued a piece of black rubber onto the back of the suppressor so it has an angle rather than a vertical surface facing the scope. What little light is reflected back goes up instead of into the scope. The other rifle (my 22) has the scope mounted under the barrel rather than on to and this avoids the problem all together. In my case it does not affect POI or accuracy but off the stock could work as well.
    How do you sight with the scope mounted under the barrel? That has to be as awkward as all hell.
    GWH and northdude like this.
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  4. #4
    i had that problem as well i mounted the light above the scope that fixed it as well

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    I just glued a piece of black rubber onto the back of the suppressor so it has an angle rather than a vertical surface facing the scope. What little light is reflected back goes up instead of into the scope. The other rifle (my 22) has the torch mounted under the barrel rather than on to and this avoids the problem all together. In my case it does not affect POI or accuracy but off the stock could work as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    How do you sight with the scope mounted under the barrel? That has to be as awkward as all hell.
    Ooops. Proof reading helps... Fixed it. The torch is mounted under the barrel. Scope goes on top where its supposed to be.......




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