I have a new Baikal break open air pistol for around the $160 mark and can include freight and a pack of pellets.
Another suggestion is a rubber shotgun we used to make as kids. It may work, but at nearly free is worth trying.
You get a 12 inch piece of rigid PVC or thin wall steel pipe about 25mm in diameter. (or there abouts longer or shorter does not matter)
Get a good quality rubber glove. Cut one finger off the rubber glove and tape it securely to the end of the piece of tube. (Do not disgard the remaining glove- the fingers will wear out fairly frequently)
drop a few small stones, / projectiles in just like a muzzle loader.
Pinch your fingers around them through the end of the finger and pull back as far as you dare just like a sling shot
Aim pipe like a shotgun in the direction of your target and let the finger go.
I would suggest testing your projectiles on a scrap piece of iron as, depending on the quality of the glove, you can get quite a bit of power out of it.
May or may not hit a bird but will scare the bejesus out of them for certain......!!!!