8 Attachment(s)
A Day At Work With Dad
I was running a touch late to work the other day and the young fulla asked if he could come. Why not, something different for an 8 year old and it was not going to be super strenuous. Sometimes in life you have to seize opportunities that come up as kids grow up far too quickly!
First task on arrival was filling up a line of bait stations for possums and checking some DoC 200s and 250s
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Some "trophies" were found and secured in his pocket to bring home, much to Mum's disgust.
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Along with some evidence of predation on the side of a track a few cats had been spotted by some hunters over the roar and had also popped up on a couple of trail cameras. We set some Possum Masters baited with meat with intentions of thinning the population (they caught 2 in the first 2 nights).
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We then checked and rebaited some Possum traps.
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We then went for a walk and deployed some more trail cameras for deer and pest monitoring.
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Daylight disappeared and we walked the last half an hour back to the vehicle in the dark.
Fair to say both the young fulla and the pup were well and truly sound asleep when we arrived home.
A good education day out learning about native flora and fauna and the species within that need to be managed to create a balance.
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Excellent experience for the young fella. He's enjoying it all....see his eyes.
Great adventure for him, well done.
Superb experience for the young fellah.
Priceless times TLB,you right about kids growing up to quick.Time flys right befor yr eyes.
These memories are priceless, I didn't get to spend time like that with my dad but 1 of my uncles helped create most of my best childhood memories.
good on you for making the effort...hold on to these memories..they are gold when you hit the rough spots later on.
Ive got so many memories of doing a day with my father at work. Ive taken my kids along a few times too. You must do this more often
Great Report, thanks for sharing!
Those last 2 photo's are real crackers, well done.
What a great story to tell his mates. You are creating the next generation of conversations/hunters.
great read , thanks for the write up
Loved the snoring in the back of the car with the dog.!!
Well done mate, that's all it takes ah.....not much at all