Howdy team,
Recently got my FAL and a .22lr and would love to get some target practice on some rabbits or possums but I don't know anyone here with land
If there are any farmers on here who have a problem with pests flick me a message
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Howdy team,
Recently got my FAL and a .22lr and would love to get some target practice on some rabbits or possums but I don't know anyone here with land
If there are any farmers on here who have a problem with pests flick me a message
Heads up fella rabbits and possums might be pests but as a hunter and generally decent human being there is still an obligation to dispatch them as humanely as possible.
They are not "target practice" this is something that really gets me riled people asking for access to use rabbits, hares, possums, goats etc for target practice :pissed off:
Wounding any animal that is then able to run off and die a painful death is less than ideal and no doubt happens even to the best of us at times but save your "target practice for targets" then move on to small game hunting.
Also likely using your first post on this forum to ask for access probably won't have guys beating down your door.
This place is a great resource so go to the introduction thread and tell us about you, or at least have a read through some of the multitude of small game hunting threads and participate in this community and you never know what opportunities may open up to you.
I make no apologies if my response sounds harsh our community gets a hard enough time without people asking to use live animals for target practice (whether thats your intent or not the way you've worded it certainly suggests that).
If nothing else maybe think about what your asking and how your wording it before plastering it on the Internet for the world to see.
First post, asks for access. Some people have no shame.
PS: Like many others on this forum, I too am fairly new to hunting, I too have no (free access) to private land yet but it’s just poor form to simply jump on a forum (ignore the rules around introductions) and blatantly ask for a place to go target practicing on animals. As mentioned above, just consider you wording a little and have some pride.
Now that said, congratulations on obtaining a FAL. This IS and awesome forum and the members have been very helpful in getting me going. Goodluck
Join a rifle/shooting club that has a range and use that for "practice". The NZHA even offer hunting training via their HUNTS course.
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Go easy man, not everyone is a forum or hunting veteran by your own admission.
Going by the profile, we were all 21 years old at one stage.
To the OP, welcome to the forum. Read lots and you’ll get the gist of the place in no time.
Enjoy learning about how about and getting into your shooting and hunting.
Sometimes I feel like creating a new account just to wind the crochety ol'pricks up.
Yup I was 21 once, 7 years ago to be exact.
Ignore these clowns mate, if you were near me I'd take you out and teach you the in and outs of shooting rabbits.
Some forget we all started somewhere.
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My post was never intended to deter the op, but I can tell you having seen first hand the side effects of people using pest animals as "target practice" it is something that gets my heckles up. I've had to shoot a few wounded goats and deer for that matter.
My post was aimed at getting the op to think about what he was asking. I even suggested he hung around and used the forum as it would likely open doors for him/her.
We're not all clowns.....just saying
I’m the fool then for not making my desires more blatant. Wintrr listen to the other more experienced guys on here. Im just one of the noobs here anyways.
A slight misuse of a word and the world turns to shit...I hope Santa drops off loads of happy pills to some forum members.
@Wintrr go for a drive around Moraki (probably spelt it wrong) and ask around, they are over run with rabbits at the moment