@mickyduck I can understand people being iffy about air rifles.
They need accurate placement and the fpe over distance is something you have to be incredibly aware of. Not all airguns are suitable, I'd maybe say put a limit on what fpe an air rifle must have to enter. So make it any air rifle has to be run over a chrono and the pellet being used on day presented so down range fpe can be calculated. Anything that doesn't hold energy out to a certain distance is not accepted. (prior to comp start) 22lr I don't see your point. I'd hate to see how many more possums, cats, rabbits, hares, etc would be in country if people weren't shooting with them 22lr because it may wound them.
A shot gun fired at too long a distance may end up with a spread pattern that has only a couple of shot hitting and in non vital areas. What's the differnce between that and a 22lr or air rifle pellet being off?
I'd also point out that the dumping of unwanted kittens/cats and the animal lovers feeding wild cats (yep them grannies with cans of tuna count)
though well meaning have been a big part of helping get the feral cat population established and in some cases ( I met a woman about 40 odd years ago who was feeding wild cats from her place 30 approx I counted over a dozen plates of food set out)
are among type of ppl crying foul over this competition. Is this why it's an issue for cats to be wounded (non intentionally) but other spieces don't get afforded the same outrage about the chance of being wounded in culling process.
To me it beggers belief that they even got taken seriously.
Personally I salute them all with my middle finger.