If I was dueling I wouldn't be loosing focus and shooting any cats passing unless of course one arrived early and used the cat to 'get your eye in' or perhaps the sight of a dead cat might cause the opponents second to concede
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Paddy Gower is going to say something tonight on the feral cat topic at 730pm TV3
No TV tonight. Can you give a quick run down on it if you watch it please.
Paddy Gower had a sp3cial on it tonight,see the size of the feral they got in the cage trap?biggest bloody cat I’ve ever seen!
its a good watch so far.....yo ushould see a maincoon cat if you want to see big.
Dwellings not duelling , I guess you guessed what I meant
Reading news hub this morning.
There were more feral cats shot than any other pest spieces in that comp.
Need to get cats on predator free list next year. Stock up on feral cat facts people. Convince the sweet old granny down the road, the crazy cat lady, ya mates, ya mates mates, time to put fereals on the predators free list.
Probly those neuter them and set them free ppl as well.
yes it got the message across - the piece of eye candy was great she did a good job and got out and about even though she could have been dressed a bit more in style for outdoors rather than high fashion - but it was let down by the other short hair rabbiting on about Hamilton they could do away with her not even entertaining
Few snap shots of the programme.
Attachment 228257
Attachment 228258
There were some 390 cats trapped off one farm at Waikari after RCD was introduced, as an example of how big the problem can get. Those cats were living on the rabbit resource.
I think the reason for feral cats being so big in some areas bush is because the main food source is possums, esp. in winter. Only a big heavy cat can take a full grown possum, so it follows that large female cats will be more successful breeders and the genetic mean of the cat population will move towards greater size. Animals also become bigger in colder areas as bigger animals have a higher ratio of volume to surface area and conserve heat more easily.
It was great that Paddy spoke about Toxoplasmosis and the fact that Toxo kills Hectors and Maui Dolphins.
Toxi infection is also linked to our high rate of youth suicide
I thought our new Minister of Conservation was bloody vague- relying on Public Consultation for an answer - man that really amuses me -why cant these people learn to say exactly what they think - imagine how it could be if she had come on and said yes cats will be added to predator list instead of going around in circles and these idjits proposing that we catch neuter and release are in fairy dairy land
the lady from SPCA was put on the spot and gave good account for herself...she when pushed said they endorse HUMAINE killing of feral cats......a HUGE thing for organisation who rely on little old cat ladies donations to keep functioning.