Good on Patrick Gower.
Glad to see someone in the media has some sence.
And is willing to put his money where his mouth is. A few more of these around the country would be great.
Good on Patrick Gower.
Glad to see someone in the media has some sence.
And is willing to put his money where his mouth is. A few more of these around the country would be great.
I cannot stand that guy no matter whether I agree or disagree with him.
Thinking that kids are going to be roaming around shooting cats with air rifles is a bit of a beat up I think (even though modern air rifles are well and truly capable) most of the kids would be out with parents well away from suburbia.
Predator free by 2050 my arse if nobody is allowed to do it
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.
You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
Sounds like a typical hunting trip !
An now animal lovers overseas are moaning about it. Bloody woke idiots with nothing better to do than moan about stuff they don't have any ideas about.
You'd think animal lovers would be for the endemic and native, but oh no, they can relate to a cat because it sits on ya lap I guess, but not birds, lizards, insects, native fish even.
Guess that's why they put thier nose into it, because they can't see past the end it!![]()
And whas the bet none of them even understand what the word 'rural' means....they all will live in the cities and only see what they think they should see....Do ANY of them realise there were NO native mammals in NZ (except a bat) and all of the problems we have now were introduced by well meaning people.....What if we showed them all pictures of the dead birds, piles of feathers and said this is what happens when we DONT shoot the pests....
Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......
theres only one oversight in your logic Tim-most of these sorts are so focussed on whats in vogue politically/ecologically they wouldnt know commonsense if it up and bit them on the arse(that w isdom came from my late grandfather who didnt suffer fools at the best of times)
Love him or hate him, he will be coping alot of flack from stading up and saying that.
Mid Canterbury has a massive feral cat problem and any cat that doesn't have a collar in a rural environment is deemed a feral. Certainly live trapping for cats is the best way to nail them and if there is any uncertainty of if they are a pet then they could be released. You Certainly know the difference between feral and pet when they are trapped!
some points on cat trapping done years of it and have taught cat trapping - live trapping works well on recently released cats but when they have been wild for a number of generations much less so and for some they will not enter a cage trap - use fresh rabbit or fresh poultry - wear gloves when handling bait where possible - cut rabbit in four and prefeed small amounts - do it at same time each day late evening best -just nail rabbit onto a tree about a foot of ground -with a cage trap camo it with shrubbery but don't interfere with trigger mechanism - once cat is taking bait set the trap - be patient - with truly wild cats a leg hold under the rabbit and carefully camoed is the only way to go - set trap about 5- 6 inches out from tree - put sticks shubbery to haze the cat onto trap -almost like a lane good luck
If your hunting an area that isn't close to housing and there's someone's cat out there chances are it's killing. That is an issue for native wild life.
I fail to see how the pet argument is valid personally. A cat that goes out killing for the heck of it then goes home for a feed and a cuddle,is still a killer.
Make sure your cat is inside on the hunt days. If you can't do that, then it's not a domestic cat, it's feral. Put a collar on it, make for easy identification that it's some ones.
A 22lr won't kill a cat if its shot bad . ( Though there is of course a higher likely hood of a closely misplaced shot killing)
I shot one of the neighbours cats years ago as it kept ripping up my possum skins in the wool shed when I had them pegged out. Then told her. She took it well. Ended up looking after her cats and dogs when she went away.
I'm all for it going ahead. Wouldn't underestimate rural kids shooting abilities. They would have to have supervision, there are age laws and regulations for air rifles!
I'd say a reasonable amount will be using 22lr under supervision for it anyway.