I got my firearms license last year and I have been out hunting with deerstalkers groups a couple of times, where we have booked blocks and gotten permission from farmers to hunt on their land.
What other types of locations am I allowed to shoot on? I was told my a friend for example that i can get rabbits off the side of whare flat road in the taieri area in otago.
I drove down the road and saw a couple of rabbits hopping about, but they were right next to the road and also behind a fence which was probably private property.
Im just not sure what locations I am allowed to fire my rifle. Are there laws about how far away from a road I am supposed to be before I can fire shots? Do I need to be a particular distance away from houses?
I am just quite lost as to where I am allowed to hunt and where I am not allowed to hunt.
I just want to hunt anything edible for meat.I suppose I could go door to door and ask farmers if they have bunny problems but I am kinda shy. If I have to though i will.