Public land in south; Wellington area, or private land with access and fit tools and transport? Thank you.
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Public land in south; Wellington area, or private land with access and fit tools and transport? Thank you.
Not really sure what your asking but I have shot 500 rabbits in one day
The last rabbit on one memorable day was totally black in colour and it was 9.20 pm on a hot January 21st
I still shoot the same farm and there still breeding :)
Highest this year so far is 48 rabbits off one orchid while night shooting.
On DoC land locally, you're only limited by the amount you're willing to spend on ammunition. With correct small game permits naturally.
On one of my orchards three years ago I shot 377 rabbits in two weekends
crew of three 1400 in one night.
2 of us 480 RECOVERED in single night.
would regularly shoot and recover30-50 a day then night shoot...
dont know how many are around wellington but half dozen to a dozen shouldnt be too hard on even half decent land.
Not many round here as Calysi went around again at the start of winter. Have seen no rabbits and only one hare on our property over winter and very, very few over the Clarence
More in spring and summer than winter around here.The sub zeros n snow knock them back a bit.Shot another in the back of the neighbors lawn few mornings ago.Seen one on the front lawn about 5am 2 mornings ago.
Pest food contractor (top shooter)on a good weather night by himself on the right property might get 300 to 400 max.But they are all head,sholder shot and gutted.Lot of hard smelly work,you might get 2 nights of good weather,then it turns to shit,windy and rainey nights,rabbits and hunter dont like.
Try gutting 300 plus rabbits at 1 every 30 seconds,hard on the back and hands.You standing in the one spot trying to keep warm.Its not a easy life for a self employed contractor out there.After youv shot up one property for 2 nights,the rabbits get very gun shy,so you gota move to another property.You gota know the lay of the land,some guys fall of their quad bike or get their trucks stuck.Its a long way to walk for help out there.
For those that are shooting 100+ rabbits a day, what do you do with the carcasses? Skin and gut 'em and chuck in the freezer? Throw in the bin? Dog food?
I use to take the back steaks for the cat but he has advanced kidney disease so is on a special diet.
Rabbit numbers vary hugely from area to area. Last year I drove through an area inland from Tutira HB and saw hundreds of rabbits, I was shocked how many there were. On my farm the population has gone down so low I probably see one rabbit per month at the moment.
Few years ago boys popped over 1000 in an evening couple of times in north Canterbury - that's about 6pm to 1pm. Heaven knows what we'd have got shooting a full weekend, but bit lazy for that. Individually you could shoot as many as you liked - I tend to get fairly bored and declare at 100-150 tops! What we did do was note fastest 100, and record was about 43 minutes from @gadgetman.. Great fun. Virus and pindone ended that heyday - now we get 30-60 in an evening from that site.
In last year or so best is 403 from an evening shoot and 1-2 hours in morning. Almost all from truck.
My best in the Hawkes Bay is 1058 on my own for three afternoons. Mainly long range with .223 and .22-250, so there was no need to gut them after shooting.
take out the backstraps/back steaks.... slice into small cubes,place in plastic bag with a little flour or breadcrrumbs and some seasoning,curry powder is OK if you like curry....masterfoods mild steak seasoning is my favourite,closely followed by caisin ..... shake it around to coat the cubes THEN quickfry and scoffemupdelishimo
hare backsteaks......season and fry same as would do with will not be able to tell the difference between it and good venison other than size.
Yes I am happy with low rabbit numbers, they are pest animals. 20 years ago we'd shoot 30 every night, but that has changed. Partly it is because the land use has changed, less sheep and less short pasture, more forest and long grass which do not suit rabbits.
Hey MD, I tried that masterfood seasoning you gave me on some venison steak about a week ago and it was pretty darn good.
I forgot you gave it to me until I saw it in the pantry so I grabed it and gave it a go.
Cheers MD :thumbsup:
What I am going to make is like this as picture show, I can do better :pacman: Rabbit meat do `t have taste, particularly for those farmed, wild rabbits has the particular tastes which you call gamy smell and try to avoid, but that is the key of nice smoked rabbit.
Attachment 203876
@Micky Duck Let me know when your doing your next cook up and ill be there :)
Good looking feed their Black Rabbit
We try to eke out our home kill beef with rabbit once a week or two. Cube it up and put in a weak vinegar/water mix for an hour or so. The soak in coconut milk overnight in the fridge. Next day make Thai Chicken curry just replacing chicken with rabbit. Cook up the Jasmine rice on the stove till the water has boiled off, then onto the log burner on the cake cooling rack for 20 min to dry out the rice and make it super fluffy. Will take a pic the next time I cook it up.