I might go possum hunting next weekend (if it won't rain again ) I'm Just wondering if its worth using my old haircutter to get the possum fur instead of plucking it by hand.
I might go possum hunting next weekend (if it won't rain again ) I'm Just wondering if its worth using my old haircutter to get the possum fur instead of plucking it by hand.
No pluck...and just keep plucking,it's pluckin easy to do if you do it immediately.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Once you get a roll on with the plucking, you will find its faster to just do it by hand than to get the cutter out of your pocket, use it, then put it away again.
Getting around night shooting in the dark, you want as minimal amount of equipment as possible, when you have too much gear, it starts to get cumbersome fast.
Cut the fur and it's worthless
Pluck or nothing
Hands get used to it after a few days
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
It's pretty easy when they are warm. Cold I wouldn't even bother unless you have a heap and can use a rotary Plucker.
You get pretty fast at it with some practice, use your palm to sort of rub down the possum is much faster easier. Hard to explain but just try different methods until you find what works good.
Use an old 20kg grass seed or dog food sack or the likes that is reasonable rigid to put the fur in.that way you can stand with the sack in front of you and hold possum over it while plucking so fur just drops in.the most I ever did in a day was 73,you don't want to be bending over a little bag on the ground when you're plucking lots of them.
I'm placing a big order this weekend from America: Conibears, #1 Legholds by Victor Oneida, #1.5 Padded by Duke.
I'd sure like any input on Duke traps...how is the quality?
I just found out Victor makes the Conibear and a can buy those too. What size? Thanks!!
what are you targeting with that mixture of traps if its just possums you will only need victor
Hi Barry. I'm new to legholds and now body traps. I'm just looking for input, opinions. I sell traps and lures to a lot of groups in NZ. I'm importing leghold coil springs...#1 Oneida Victor and #1.5 padded by Duke. Now I am deciding on the 220 Conibear or Body Traps. DOC apparently used to buy these and I am a DOC vendor. Do people still use these? I looked on BioNet and they don't show as banned.
for possums you only need victor no 1 -- 1.5 padded were used for cats dont know about the legality of that now DOC are so soft - -- conibear cant think of a use for them they are a specialized trap I believe originally for beaver - DOC use there own traps now for ferrets stoats not to say one cant use a conibear for that - ask them- some time since I was trapping for DOC buggers change their mind like their underpants - for stoats ferrets they had a trap used for over a hundred years in England the fenn trap no decided did not kill quick enough - the best possum trap the mighty gin trap no to cruel idgits
Potentially good for the OP to know, but can anyone on here please confirm whether merchants pay less if you mix back/side fur with tail/belly fur? I started plucking them bare, but put everything in one bag... apparently the tail/belly fur is respectively coarser and shorter so lower grade/price?
bunji likes this.
One bag up here, with all types of fur . Same $$ rate. Never been down graded
I've always plucked warm as possible, hold em by the tail and only take fur from back and shoulders, don't include belly fur (too short) or tail fur (too rough)
That's what I was told but curious how others do it
Tail fur is much coarser and depending on the fur buyer sometimes they check for it.
I always plucked everything else though and threw it in the same bag