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Thread: Humane dispatch of possums

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  1. #1
    Cook Angus_A's Avatar
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    Humane dispatch of possums

    I was wondering what methods you use to dispatch possums when they're still kicking after being shot? It happens sometimes and while i know the standard method is to whack them over the head i'm not overly fond of it, just a bit too brutal for my tastes. Not a fan of putting another shot into them at close range either, seems a little iffy.

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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  2. #2
    308 is offline
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    As Davy Crockett said - "Hit em anywhere in the eye"

  3. #3
    Member Max Headroom's Avatar
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    I don't know a method of killing possums that isn't a bit brutal. It just goes with the territory.

    I've felt the same way on occasion, but I had to remind myself that the animal was suffering, and the quickest way out for it was a smack on the noggin.
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  4. #4
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Seriously, either put another round in it's head or whack it hard, it's about as humane as you gonna get after not killing it cleanly with the first shot (granted that happens) but if your gonna shoot em you gotta get your head around the fact you may have to finish the job even if it is unpleasant

  5. #5
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    Or carry a little knjfe and stick em like a pig

  6. #6
    Cook Angus_A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbear View Post
    Or carry a little knjfe and stick em like a pig
    That's kind of what i was after, i remember there being a method to it but i can't remember it for the life of me.
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  7. #7
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbear View Post
    Or carry a little knjfe and stick em like a pig
    If giving it a smack on the head makes you queezy im sure sticking it aint gonna be any better.. just shoot it again
    Savage1, ebf, time out and 2 others like this.
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  8. #8
    Member Chur Bay's Avatar
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    Just shoot them in the head again mate. Boot heel or piece of wood if there is no gun
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  9. #9
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    You wanna try stickng them rather than putting another slug in em or knocking them over the head, bugger that if there still kicking they can do some damage I'd rather not put my hand anywhere near em
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  10. #10
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    You wanna try stickng them rather than putting another slug in em or knocking them over the head, bugger that if there still kicking they can do some damage I'd rather not put my hand anywhere near em
    Yes, there is the expression. "Playing possum". ...

    A 1 foot long nylon hammer won't weigh you down. Smash to the skull anaesthetises and kills. Good way to go when it's your time.

    Good thread to start.

    And if you can shoot a springer airgun well, then you can shoot.
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  11. #11
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    Angus, two things. 1) when you shoot do you allow for the distance that the scope is above the barrel ?? - If they are close the bullet will strike around 35 to 40 mm below where you put the crosshairs, so brushing the top of the head with the crosshairs puts the bullet between the eyes. If you don't allow for this but put the cross between the eyes the bullet will strike the throat / neck
    2) The only possum donger to have is a 450mm length of steel electrical conduit pipe with a bolt or piece of rod 100 mm long slipped inside one end and welded there. Make a PVC scabbard to hang off your belt. The donger is light but very weight forward meaning it can hit much faster than a hammer. Grab them by the tail and give them a quick whack across the base of the ear - curtains everytime
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  12. #12
    Cook Angus_A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moa Hunter View Post
    Angus, two things. 1) when you shoot do you allow for the distance that the scope is above the barrel ?? - If they are close the bullet will strike around 35 to 40 mm below where you put the crosshairs, so brushing the top of the head with the crosshairs puts the bullet between the eyes. If you don't allow for this but put the cross between the eyes the bullet will strike the throat / neck
    2) The only possum donger to have is a 450mm length of steel electrical conduit pipe with a bolt or piece of rod 100 mm long slipped inside one end and welded there. Make a PVC scabbard to hang off your belt. The donger is light but very weight forward meaning it can hit much faster than a hammer. Grab them by the tail and give them a quick whack across the base of the ear - curtains everytime
    I have been allowing for that yep. Trigger control is my enemy at the mo, when i mess up a shot it's generally me pulling it left or right. I have an old table leg i filled with lead shot in one end which does the job, just don't enjoy it. Might give your pipe idea a go, need some welding practice anyways.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angus_A View Post
    I have been allowing for that yep. Trigger control is my enemy at the mo, when i mess up a shot it's generally me pulling it left or right. I have an old table leg i filled with lead shot in one end which does the job, just don't enjoy it. Might give your pipe idea a go, need some welding practice anyways.
    Ok so the technique is thus: grab the downed possum firmly by the last full hand of tail, do not lift the possum off the ground but drag it back-wards its back legs just off the ground, whilst uttering the words 'in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti' The possum will try to pull forward and away from you upon hearing those words. Now bring you steel pipe 'priest' down smartly on the back of his ear with the swing aimed at the ground below his noggin. Killed countless in traps like this and plenty running free just on dusk and never been bitten
    kotuku, 7mm Rem Mag and Cordite like this.

  14. #14
    Cook Angus_A's Avatar
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    9 times out of 10 when i do need to finish them off they're not very agile or fighty by that point anyway.
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  15. #15
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angus_A View Post
    9 times out of 10 when i do need to finish them off they're not very agile or fighty by that point anyway.
    Wat till one claws ya or takes a bite of ya and then see how keen ya are to stick em. There's a reason they whack them on the head or shoot em again
    Last edited by dannyb; 25-12-2018 at 10:09 PM.



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