My new Varminter Sako A1 .222
I have a CZ 455 in .17 HMR which has been fantastic on bunnies but wanted something a bit bigger but not too big so I had to think what to do.
I have a T3 .223 which is a great rifle and has shot a lot of deer but I wanted to keep it as a deer rifle, I have a Sako A1 & L461 both in .222 which I acquired both 9-14 months ago but wanted to keep them in original format and even looked at going down "Wingmans" path of building a .22TCM as that looks like a great wee caliber.
I also looked at .22 Hornet, 22K Hornet, .17 Hornet. .218 Bee but in the end without complicating things and spending a fortune I decided to use the Sako A1 .222
I got the barrel threaded and put on my DPT suppressor but the scope on top wasn't cutting the mustard so I bought in a couple of Vector Optics scopes who were easy to deal with. I bought a Marksman 3.5-10x44 which cost me US$179 and another little 1-5 power scope which currently sits on a .22
The scopes are crystal clear but there 30 mm tubes so I needed some rings. The scopes come with rings however they won't fit Sako's!
A local shop were quoting me $500 to mount the scope but after a quick look through Trade Me I bought a set of Optilokts for $150 and scope is now all mounted.
The rifle was loving 50 gr Hornady SP so I bought a packet each of some 40 & 50 gr Vmax to try out. The 50's shot 1/2-3/4 inch so I settled on those however I still need to do some playing with the 40 gr projectiles before I discard them as an option as it would be great shooting bunnies with them flying at 3300 fps.
So far I've only shot 15-20 bunnies with the longest shot out to 250 metres and running the rifle alongside the .17 HMR has been a lot of fun. It's nice to unload and make safe when moving to a new position where you cycle the bolt and push the live round back into the internal box mag that holds 7 rather than ejecting the magazine, ejecting the live round, placing the live round back into the magazine and then magazine back into the rifle.