Have just done thorough test of WMR for couple of years. Its range is usually out to 125m or so and you really don't need to spend alot on optics for this. Mine had a Tasco World Class 4-16x40AO and that was ideal on range and in the field. You can spend alot on a brand name scope but I assure you that it will not help you shoot more bunnies.
Here's my Tasco shooting on Marlin WMR at 50m. @gadgetman shot it in with bottom group, then I told him I wanted it 1" high of centre. He said "do it yourself", so I did next group - top one with 3 shots. You won't beat this spending hundreds more on scopes. Good reliable scopes for rimfires are Tasco, Nikko Stirling, Bushnell Banner, Simmons. Note - Tasco and Simmons are both owned by Bushnell these days. Recent little Tasco 3-9x40 I had was a wee gem.