Hi team,
am new to hunting and guns etc, have bought myself a 10/22 and looking for some bunnies to practice on. Any tips for a new fella or any suggestions on best places to find them in numbers?
Hi team,
am new to hunting and guns etc, have bought myself a 10/22 and looking for some bunnies to practice on. Any tips for a new fella or any suggestions on best places to find them in numbers?
Welcome Mike.. Sorry I cant help from way up here. Good luck
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Sorry, Thought this was another thread about them losing the shield
There are quite a few 10/22 variations out now. Got any pics?
All the best and welcome to the forum
Hi guys haha yea about the shield...
The 22 is a semi auto with heavy barrel and a laminate stock. 4-9 x 32 scope on top. Any mods needed for bunnies? was thinking supressor?
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Do you count ammo as a mod cause thats all you need to kill bunnies with that setup.
Nice timber.
Mine likes CCI ammo.
You could try a silencer and bolt buffer TKO/22 Bolt Buffer Installation for the 10/22 Rifle - YouTube
PS - that junction box don't look too healthy. Take the flammablesoff it
Yea I put CCI through mine aswell, that bolt buffer mod looks like an easy job what is the buffer made of? Fortunately I am fitter turner and can easily make one!!
I have tuffer buffers in both my 10/22's .. works a treat easy to install takes mins ...
Or a "Bit" more expensive !! Ruger 10/22 Bolt Stop Buffer Tuffer Buffer
If your not going to suppress it don't worry about the bolt buffer. If you are then its a must. I would look at getting the trigger lightened if it is still at the factory setting of 9lbs . Head to central if you want unlimited bunnies, pretty easy finding a farm but its lambing time at the moment so farmers wont want you on their land right now
If you don't mind driving to Bannockburn then I can give you the address for a property that is filthy with rabbits (like most of central). It's an alpaca farm overlooking the Clutha and the owner was always stoked to have us by on weekends to blast some bunnies. Terrain is great, numbers are mind blowing (for a Canadian anyways) and the Llamas are pretty friendly. Just watch out for the one-eyed alpaca, he's a SOB.
I'll take that address and introduce myself if he wants somebody?