Anyone here plucking possum fur? Is it still a thing? Have not heard of anyone doing it since the covid.
Got a few kilo's of hand plucked fur that I wouldn't mind selling. Had no response from my buyer.
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Anyone here plucking possum fur? Is it still a thing? Have not heard of anyone doing it since the covid.
Got a few kilo's of hand plucked fur that I wouldn't mind selling. Had no response from my buyer.
Try Stuart Bracegirdle Ingelwood Taranaki he was buying
still happening,price bounces between 80-110 $$$$ per kilo
Not much buying of hand plucked going on around here.
Basically bush fella reckons they want Machine plucked as they can blend it better?
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Yea but like everyone who plucks can afford to go out and buy a machine plucker just push the little ones out of the market
There is only one agent buying some hand plucked for a small market in the country that I am aware of.
Unfortunately not in the south island.
Hand plucked must be from greys not darks. Something to do with the dying process.
So what changed if that's all they buying I have 15kg of unusable fur atm
mate sold mixed color hand plucked less than month ago in Timaru....
Thanks guys for the info:thumbsup:
Sounds like the best days of the industry have passed, costs of fuel and ammo are up too. Oh well it was good while it lasted!
I'll contact the bloke in Inglewood.
Get an air rifle. Won't cure the fuel costs but will slash your ammo.
I'm paying just under $30 for 250 rounds of decent pellets. If was using .177 would be about the same for 500 pellets.
No impact effect mind.
Shots have to be well placed.
I took some wool into Taieri Wool & Skins yesterday, I asked the fella there about possum fur. He said they're paying $90/kg for hand plucked, but he reckoned machine plucked isn't worth anything at the moment, they won't pay for it. He does trapping and spotlighting on a private farm in milton in his spare time, reckons he got $550 from one weekend a fortnight ago. He said possums down here seem to have their winter coat already.
He reckons Taieri Wool & Skins are the main buyer for fiordland possum fur, so they get heaps of the stuff.
Mate sold hand plucked last week $100kg I don’t know who he sells to lives in mid Canterbury
rivers to ranges in rangoon are buying.
the skin tanning place in invercargill put a add out the other day looking to buy skins $15 to $18 for 1st and second grade .
Sold some h/p mixed colour yesterday. $75/ kg
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Attachment 220401
Pic from Basically Bush in Woodville today. $95 for hand plucked.
Just got home to find that the dog found my stash and redistributed it around my spare room. Silly me for leaving it in reach, but bloody funny all the same
North Canty Rivers to Ranges FB post today...
Attachment 224488
getting there,but bloody cold out there tonight.
Attachment 226637
Same here starting to make a dent on farm so good sized possums Attachment 226641
Anywhere in Otago/Southland buying
Ecofx advertising in todays paper wanting fluff.
$100 kg machine and hand plucked.
Ph 07 8738130
Skins as in dried or green? Thanks for the heads up.
pissing down tonight,so Mrs Coon is just looking at the last fur jackets I took off her mates.
Attachment 226848
anyone in the waikato?....
$100 now at Basically Bush.
Attachment 227187
Took a bit of fluff dwn there today.
Attachment 227189
Got a break in the weather (at least tonight anyway) still blowing like a hooker though.Set a few traps oh the sheltered side of some trees up high on the river bank.
Attachment 228166
Saw a few while setting the traps in the dark.
Attachment 228167
Far out, business must be good when you get your own road sign.
Bit more fluff.
Attachment 228255
Attachment 228256
The weather was better last night.
Attachment 228260
Got a few in the traps this morning.
Attachment 228261
Attachment 228262
Keep on coming.
Attachment 228334
That bag is full.
Attachment 228390
I have three full bread bags of fluff...,they'll be turned into cash soon....
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Bet the rain.
Attachment 228424