Ok a bit left field but something I’ve always wanted to make , any recommendations for tanning your own skins .
Ok a bit left field but something I’ve always wanted to make , any recommendations for tanning your own skins .
Don't use kero and baking soda,the weep in the winter.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Use proper wooly South island ones.
Is there a local taxidermist who will do them for you.
If you want a rug that will last and be an heirloom, tan them properly
The Church of
John Browning
of the Later-Day Shooter
ye s get them tanned commercially and fur side does not wear well i.e if getting constantly rubbed the fur will come out so remember that
start small before you try a whole blanket
Thanks guys it might be cost prohibitive , will make some enquires on getting them professionally tanned , I remember using leadretters as a teenager with mixed results , most probably operator error mainly .
I have made an entire jacket (23 skins) out of possums I tanned in a bath using the Leidretters tanning solution. So I made it in 1979, and its still folded up in the walk in wardrobe now. So that stuff lasts
Your mixed results may have been not getting all the fat and membrane scrapped off completely, or leaving the possum too long before skinning it.
I used three road kill to complete my jacket. Just had to be selective which ones I used. Had to be sconed on the head y the car for them to be worthwhile skinning on the side of the road![]()
It would have been the early eighties I used it , I remember the hide went a bluey colour , they tanned but never were soft and pliable like a professional job.
Try Enviromental Products at Mahoe near Stratford. They do exceptional natural tanning work and specialise in possum hides
It almost ruined mums sewing machine, making this.
Did a lot of spotlighting off the back of a mates Series 1 short wheel base Landy, and I always had to keep it unbuttoned, as it was waaay too hot.
That’s epic @XR500 , yeah I bet it’s warm alright , Mum had an old tredle sewing machine I used to push through leather and canvas making pouches / bags etc , taught us kids how to knit as well .
I’ll share my experience, a few tips and things I found out the hard way although i’m far from an expert.
It used to cost me $1 per skin to tan. 2017/2018
Each cycle took 20 days total
I did 4 cycles.
Hand tanned circa 150 skins total.
Finished article was still a long shot off the shops finish/quality but I would say it was 100% fine for personal use.
I learned by watching youtube videos and researched how to do it all.
It does take up quite a lot of time and you need to tend to it daily.
Use a water blaster instead of scraping the meat/fat/membrane from the skins (dont blast too close to the skin tho or it will go through it)
Use a stapler gun for stretching them instead of making boards with nails
Make sure an apply the liquor that comes with the kit. I ruined a lot of skins by not taking it seriously enough
Basically don’t cut any corners during the tanning process
Practice your first few cycles with poor quality skins keep the best ones for when you ready
You can use a fine grit sanding machine to tidy the skin side up
Alternatively you could buy skins tanned already.
All the best and I hope you go for it as it is totally doable!!
The official sewing machine for sewing fur skins together is called a Cup Seamer machine.