There is a huge difference between controlling a population and eradicating it. With current methods eradication is not an option.
When I was still in the pest control we were trying to eradicate wallabies from the BOP, that was 12 years ago, at best they are still trying to eradicate new populations which have established . Back when I was doing it eradication meant an area that had been controlled or worked had to have three clear runs using trained wallaby indicator dogs before it could be called wallaby free.
Using this method for monitoring the control for all pests in NZ will be basically impossible to achieve . Can you imagine three clear monitors over the whole of NZ using trained dogs for ever species of pest? The cost will be prohibitive for one thing.
Unless the Government has some silver bullet up there sleeve the 2050 deadline is impossible. Just take rats for an example all around the world they have been tapped , poisoned , hunted and still there is just as many about, imagine the nightmare of trapping/ poisoning cities like Auckland then going through and having three clear monitors using trained dogs .
The whole Pest Free Government pledge for 2050 is nothing but a vote grab, idiot greenies will think what a marvellous idea and vote them in only to find it is a pipe dream.