I use one extensively on rabbits in Central Otago, they are what they are. A semi auto with a ten shot mag , that's how they were designed and made to be used.
I rely on the safety 100%.
There is the Kiwi ethos that you don't trust or rely on the safety but I think personally this is a dated out look.
All the world's military rely on safeties , police and other law enforcement agencies'. As a gunsmith once pointed out to me all the firearm manufactures would have been sued into non - existence by gun owners in the states if safety's failed and people were killed or injured.
Like you I don't think a semi is the best rifle for a kid or new shooter to learn with and there are some cheap and effective little bolt .22's out there like the Norinco JW15.
Teaching the kid's safe handling of the rifle like where the muzzle is pointing, back drop's , target identification etc etc.
Only way to make the ruger a single shot is to only load one round.
Teach them well, I was and 40 years on still carry the basic safety lessons taught to me by my father and his friends.