Pcp's are made for this work. Expensive to setup but absolutely perfect for the job. I'm happy shooting some of mine out to 120m or more in the right conditions, I also have some set to low power use for around buildings etc and they are seriously quiet!
In terms of the admin side of things if it's near people or likely to get attention I call police comms and log a job with them and I usually have signs out at all entrances to the property. I also work in total darkness with NV and Thermal etc. and haven't had a single eyebrow raised by neighbors working like this. Last night I was 2 hours (and many Rabbits) into a job and walked past 3 dudes in the neighbors back yard chatting around a fire pit, yelled out to them so as to not surprise them and had a bit of a chat to them, they had no idea I'd been there working at all.