We are watching from all around the world @Blisters - I am in Kamloops in BC - just had to get on line to see if you have got that Rat
Keep trying Mate - if all else fails have a browse through the Bird Predator Control thread on here - must be hundreds of dead rat stories - Key Industries sent me some Snap-e look a-like traps to trial - they have a red tube over the kill bar - they kill a mouse every time without even trying - seem real clunky but deadly on mice - I think they were hoping I might get some big Norways to see how they kill a larger animal - but mice are all I have got to date
Have you tried GN Possum Paste yet - rats love the stuff
Good luck- we are watching
Only thing we passed today that was interesting was three Rocky Mountain goats - way to hell up on a rock face and a big black bear with a cub running through the bush beside the road