Recommended air rifle & scope for possum / rabbits
Hi all,
Looking at purchasing an air rifle for small game - nothing bigger than a possum. It's not going to be used a lot, only for things that venture onto our small lifestyle block.
All up don't really want to spend more than 1k, and this needs to include a scope as well.
I've seen some mixed feedback on the Cometa Fusion - I see there are two variations at - the .22 @ $599 and the .177 MK LL @ $649. I assume the .22 is better for possums?
There's also a Sig Sauer ASP20 .177 on Trademe for $850, second hand, would also need to arrange shipping. This will be pushing the budget when including a scope,but can potentially stretch the budget a bit, if it's far better than the Cometa Fusion.
Keen to hear any thoughts / suggestions.