Does anyone have any experience with the new stainless laminate factory custom shop 10/22? I have had my Marlin papoose stainless for 20 years but now the kids have claimed it for themselves when we go possuming. We usually carry a center fire rifle for daytime large animal slaying with the papoose in my bag but with four of us battling over who gets to shoot , and usually the one that spots the possum is not the one carrying the 22 , I was looking to get a second one. Was looking at the 10/22 takedown as they seem popular and could still chuck in a bag , but don't sound particularly accurate , so had decided to wait until the new papoose shipment arrives in the country. Then I saw the Ruger competition in the shop and it was love at first sight. Not a take down bag gun , heavy barrel , but very cool, and I already have a papoose.....
No experience with 10/22's either....
Not to mention twice the price of the marlin....