After waiting all week finally got a fine (ish ) morning to take the little Ruger .243W out on a walk looking for Rabbits and Hares. Left home a bit later than I wanted to but it was a blustery and overcast morning and I haven't troubled the varmints there for a few weeks so guessed they might still be out feeding. Sure enough, several were but the wind make them jittery and a couple or three busted away as I sneaked in. But not far on, around a corner I spied a Rabbit sitting in the open. 154 yds is quite doable for the Ruger and a headshot was executed. Nice. Next I spooked another pair away ( bugger ) so carried on and sneaked into about 20 yards of a feeding Hare before it spied me just as I was squeezing the trigger and got clean away. The next Rabbit had no idea I was there. Sitting at the burrow entrance I'm sure it's eyes were closed. 142 yards, slightly uphill. Bang, and down. Last one was a feeding Hare that was hard to keep up with. It would take a mouthful and hop, mouthful and hop etc. etc and I shifted several times to keep the scope on it. I sort of kept slight tension on the trigger and next time it stopped broadside I neck shot it. 47 yards, good job. I love shooting those Hornady VMax 87 gn bullets. Accurate as anything and they open explosively. Not much ever survives a hit. After seeing the varmints I did I need to get back there again, soon.