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Thread: Ruger Walkabout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    Ruger Walkabout

    After waiting all week finally got a fine (ish ) morning to take the little Ruger .243W out on a walk looking for Rabbits and Hares. Left home a bit later than I wanted to but it was a blustery and overcast morning and I haven't troubled the varmints there for a few weeks so guessed they might still be out feeding. Sure enough, several were but the wind make them jittery and a couple or three busted away as I sneaked in. But not far on, around a corner I spied a Rabbit sitting in the open. 154 yds is quite doable for the Ruger and a headshot was executed. Nice. Next I spooked another pair away ( bugger ) so carried on and sneaked into about 20 yards of a feeding Hare before it spied me just as I was squeezing the trigger and got clean away. The next Rabbit had no idea I was there. Sitting at the burrow entrance I'm sure it's eyes were closed. 142 yards, slightly uphill. Bang, and down. Last one was a feeding Hare that was hard to keep up with. It would take a mouthful and hop, mouthful and hop etc. etc and I shifted several times to keep the scope on it. I sort of kept slight tension on the trigger and next time it stopped broadside I neck shot it. 47 yards, good job. I love shooting those Hornady VMax 87 gn bullets. Accurate as anything and they open explosively. Not much ever survives a hit. After seeing the varmints I did I need to get back there again, soon.

    Barefoot, Trout, Shearer and 14 others like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2022
    Way to go. As micky Duck would say, yummy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Good job, south paw wins again. \

    .243 is a competent cartridge. Your rifle is nice and clean too.
    The only Government to trust: .45-70

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by SmokeyJason View Post
    Way to go. As micky Duck would say, yummy
    Backstraps and drumsticks you reckon
    The only Government to trust: .45-70

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Southern Alps
    Good shooting and nice tasty drum sticks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    The 'Naki
    Nice shooting..Violent hits. What load? velocity?
    I know a lot but it seems less every day...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Jhon View Post
    Nice shooting..Violent hits. What load? velocity?
    This is the current load:

    upload a picture
    AdamAnt, whanahuia and Subsonic like this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Out again yesterday morning, early.
    Warm and humid but, again, blustery. Surprised I saw no Rabbits at all despite evidence they'd been active overnight. Kept walking over the back and peeking over a knob ahead saw Magpies digging around in a small patch of exposed soil. They immediately took flight and I though I'd spooked them. But no, they struggled momentarily against the stiff breeze then landed in front of me at only 92 yards. Plenty of time to set up what should have been a chip shot. Steady squeeze, and clean missed ! I was annoyed with myself. But, clouds and silver linings etc... two Hares that had been concealed in a small dip sprang up and ran, heading for a deep gully. I took off around the lip of the gully hoping to catch them going up over the end. I saw them and one stopped just before going over. I flopped down and lined up but the Hare took off again, heading into the next gully. I raced forward in time to see it turn sharply left up out of the gully. I had the open ground in front of me so went prone and waited. Sure enough up came the Hare and stopped , looking back. Big mistake. The shoulder shot took him clean almost amputating the foreleg on the exit side. I lasered the distance, 109 yds.
    I never saw the second Hare again. Looked around with binos for several minutes but no joy. Oh well, one Hare. I'll take it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    The forecast for 01 November looked good and a quick txt to the farmer got me permission to arrive early and walk the farm. Low cloud and very slight drizzle during the drive there in darkness looked ominous but eventually came to nothing. I parked the truck, grabbed the Ruger and 8 rounds and hoofed it to a small rise where I sat waiting for the dawn light to brighten enough to allow glassing. Spent probably 15 minutes glassing around, seeing nothing, which surprised me. I cut across a fence and paddock into the top of a deep gully and carefully emerged again over the top with a big, regrassed paddock before me. Up with the binos and Aha ! - a feeding Hare just through the fence about 140 yds out. Got the scope lined up then looked up, seeing a neighbour's house on the hill behind right in line of the firing direction. Damn ! Backed off, moved left to get a safe angle and this time the Hare saw me setting up and decided to amble off, picking up the unseen mate and they both romped over the next rise and out of sight. I was a bit deflated with this disappointing start but followed up hoping to see either again but no joy.
    By now I was above a big, deep gully. Over the top of the opposite side is an old established Rabbit warren where it's unusual to not see Rabbits about and I decided to check it out. I dropped down into then clambered up the steep gully, reaching a point on the fenceline where most of the warren can be viewed. There is a small gully there too and the binos found two Rabbits grazing on my side of this gully. 138 yds. Shot the first one and got the satisfying "whop" of the hit. The second Rabbit scarpered, then stopped and sat bolt upright. Maybe about 160 yds I thought. Bang, and missed ! This time the Rabbit escaped out of sight.

    I remained several minutes at my post, watching with the binos. Sometimes it pays off as it did today. Two youngsters popped up out of the grass and sat at burrow entrances, probably unsure of the danger. 170 yds. I made doubly sure I was steady as these targets were very small. The first shot was true and was quickly followed by the second shot, also true. Happy with that I unloaded and walked over and retrieved all three kills.

    By now I was appreciating how nice the morning was. The sun was out, wind was very light and temps comfortable. Background sounds of crowing cock pheasant, paradise ducks and magpies were pleasing to the ear.
    The farm is divided by a public road. Over the road is an old Rabbit hotspot. I headed that way and was surprised to not find any Rabbits on such a nice morning. I remembered a small gully over the next little rise where Hares had escaped me a couple of times. As it was close it was worth a quick look en route back to the truck. Binos up and happy days. There's a Hare grazing the long grass right in the belly of the gully. Lasered at 150 yds. He moved around a little and I probably rushed the first shot unnecessarily but it sounded like a hit. But the Hare was sitting upright now so a second shot was sent. Damn - missed, again ! What the heck did I do wrong ? The Hare legged it away from the loud bang source but stopped and sat up, looking back. Determined to do it right this time I squeezed off the 170 yd shot extra carefully. Thank goodness it connected at last and I could claim success in the gully.

    I walked one of the internal farm tracks heading back to the truck. The farmer who had finished milking came over on his bike to say g'day and we chatted amiably for a few minutes. He was pleased to see the Rabbits and Hare I carried. He is a great guy keen on shooting too so conversation comes naturally. It was a great morning to be out but then, most mornings out there with a rifle are good.
    It took 7 rounds for 4 kills this time. A good thing I grabbed enough ammo. I pulled several shots for sure which is unusual for me but there is a lesson there. I'll remember to shoot with more care next time.
    Last edited by 30.06king; 03-11-2023 at 12:30 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    I hadn't had the Ruger out since early November and was feeling the need. Got permission for this morning, blustery, mercifully cool and overcast. Wasn't sure of what I would find and wasn't overly worried about finding nil as I was simply happy to be walking and looking with the Ruger in hand. I had prior knowledge of one spot where I had noted fresh Rabbit scratchings now and then. Had actually seen this bunny two or three times as it scattered from my approach. I stalked in on the zone slowly and attentively but wasn't seeing anything. The farmer had cut and baled alfalfa only yesterday and I came in from behind one bale to conceal myself more. Finally, close the the fence and the forestry behind I thought I glimpsed something. Binos up, and yes, a pair of ears in the grass. I think bunny knew I was out there but more than 100 yards away it wasn't panicking, yet. The bale enabled me to close to 97 yards and set up gently on the bipod. It was a perfectly steady shot. The 87 gn Vmax is always destructive and took off the offside shoulder completely. Bunny died before falling flat.

    The next hour or so was unproductive, surprisingly, as I covered areas where usually Rabbits are seen. Last night the moon was bright so maybe they fed late and were out only briefly this morning. Didn't see any Hares either. Was almost back at the truck when I remembered a small warm pocket that catches morning sun where I have picked off the odd bunny or two. There's usually a warren there too but not permanently occupied. Worth a look anyway. My glance over it was almost too casual and I didn't see anything at first. I was about to turn away but thought I should give a quick once over with the binos. Whoa ! A young bunny at the base of an old tree stump. Only 75 yards from another steady rest on the bipod. Bunny had no clue I was there. The young doe was facing away. I held right on the neck / shoulder junction which is what the Vmax hit. There was only a thin strip of skin keeping the head attached to the body.

    Then it was time to head back. Time was not my friend today but it leaves other spots to revisit, hopefully sometime in the near future.
    Trout, rugerman, 308 and 5 others like this.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    What would be the best .22LR semi ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    Savage A22 or Ruger 10-22 ?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Very overdue for a walkabout with the little Ruger but finally had an opportunity this morning. Lovely morning too after a what seemed a longish period of unsettled weather.
    Actually, I had the Ruger out for a morning back around mid August. I didn't get a chance to post the story here at that time but the intention was to knock over a Rabbit or two which, in the event, proved unfindable. However a few Peacocks and one fat Hare comprised the day's bag so it was still a worthwhile morning.


    Hare. I've never taken a Hare before with so much fat. I took the meat for a friend who said it was great eating.
    programs to take screenshots

    So, back to this morning. Arriving good and early I set off casually in pre dawn gloom, having just enough light to allow use of the binos. Wasn't seeing anything but after a short distance of moving slowly I jumped a Hare from long grass just ahead. It soon stopped, looking back by which time I had plopped down on the bipod thinking this would be easy. But Mr. hare didn't linger and raced away up and over the hill. A lost chance but not the first time that's happened ! I continued, enjoying the warmth of the new days sun, scouting out some well known little gullies and sunny slopes that had given me past success. Wasn't seeing anything at all, nor sign of any Rabbits frequenting the place. Eventually I got right over to the very back paddocks and was thinking I had picked the wrong side of the farm to hunt. From one high spot that overlooks several gullies I glassed for about half an hour and found absolutely zero. Thinking I might as well head back I cut across a couple of paddocks so my return route would form a circuit. I hadn't gone far when I found a fresh looking Rabbit scratching. The Rabbit dung there looked today fresh so I went onto high alert and started sneaking again. Over a little hump that forms the side of a small, dry gully I noticed on my high left the entrance to a new warren that became two entrances after another couple of steps. Then another step and I saw ears above a patch of long grass ahead on my left. I had no option but to shoot offhand. I was too shaky, and missed clean. At the shot two Rabbits jumped up, racing for the warrens. One went straight in. The other poked his face in and stopped, preseneting his rear end. By then I had the Ruger over my knees and took the shot as presented, hearing the strike. 38 yards - nice. I walked up and discovered the destruction caused by the 87 gn V- Max. I wouldn't be keeping any meat from this Rabbit. It would feed hawks instead.

    But I was still happy, knowing it's of some help to the farmer.
    As I got closer to where my walkabout started I found evidence of Rabbit activity in several spots so these will be targeted on some future visit.
    I got a bonus opportunity when I was not too far from the truck. I noticed a Spurwing Plover in the grass about 100 yards out. I love shooting these ghastly things. Plonking down on the bipod I was steady, I thought, and proceeded to clean miss with shot one. At the shot two Plovers took flight and both flew towards me. One landed just 73 yards in front. My second shot quickly despatced that one while the second landed 73 yards behind me. I got it lined up and had to wait a bit for it to move and present enough profile for the croshairs and soon shot three did the business. It was a great way to finish the morning. One of the Plovers had a missing foot which was interesting to note.

    The shots today were unusually close. Typically with this the 87 gn V-Max load I get shots that would usually be between about 120 and 200 yds. The rifle and load combination is like a little laser. So the close misses were unexpected. A little while ago I took the stock off this rifle to adjust the trigger for lighter pull, which actually made little difference, so I might need to do a quick range session to see if the POI has shifted. Maybe I haven't torqued up the action screws quite the same as the factory did. Or it could be I'm just rusty and haven't been shooting the Ruger enough. With Summer almost upon us I will try to get my trigger finger a bit more tuned up by getting out with the Ruger more often.
    Last edited by 30.06king; 16-10-2024 at 12:55 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Had a good morning to kick off November. The farmer asked me to spend a morning knocking out some Rabbits / Hares as he had seen a few more around recently. Requests of that nature gladden my heart and we agreed 30 October was good. That day I was up early, ready to go, when it started raining. So, an immediate postponement was called. After a forecast check the new date was 01 November. It was a better morning, dry but blustery which became something of an advantage.
    My arrival was perfectly timed with just emough light for using the binos. I charged the magazine with the current load shooting Hornady V-Max 87gn bullets. Took the usually more than sufficient ten rounds.
    Making a beeline for a small hill with permanent warrens I picked out two Rabbits while still more than 200 yds out. Sneaked in to a handy spot above a little gully and saw one of the Rabbits straight acrosss at 111 yds. The Ruger was solid on the Bipod as I squeezed off shot one - and missed ! Sh*t ! That Rabbit bolted down a hole. Mystified to how I missed I was cursing myself when Rabbit two appeared from over the far brow hopping towards me before stopping and sitting tight. I hadn't moved and immediately cranked in another round and lined up. I squeezed off the shot even more carefully and got that satisfying sound of impact. Phew, reputation saved, hopefully ! I remained there several minutes just in case another Rabbit should decide to appear, but all was quiet. So, back on my feet to check the next spot. Instead of retrieving Rabbit 1 I continued up over the next wee hill to check another small gully, which was lush with long grass. Seeing nothing immediately I sat to watch when another Rabbit jumped out, ran across to the other side then stopped still in sight. I had to back up the hill slightly onto a spot level enough to shoot from. This Rabbit was only 97 yds out and was a pretty straightforward kill. Again, I waited in place several minutes but nothing else showed so I walked around and retrieved both kills.

    Rabbits 1 and 2

    The next spot I checked is along the neighbours fenceline which seems perennially to hold Rabbits in both higher and lower numbers. I covered the first section without seeing anything and bellied up onto the lip of a rise which sits over a short but deep gully. I was just in time to see a Rabbit go through the fence onto the neighbours, where I don't have shooting permission, so I lay there watching as this bunny fossicked about under some gorse bushes. Patience was rewarded when bunny decided the grass was greener on my side and came back through the fence, into the legitimate target zone. The rifle was already set up and the 121 yds distance ranged and the shot was perfect. The 87 gn V-Max pretty much took the Rabbit apart.

    Rabbit 3

    While still laying there I was surprised to spy two Hares in the gully bottom on the neighbours side happily snacking away that obvoiusly hadn't reacted to my shot. They were moving steadily while feeding, heading my way and I wondered if I might be lucky enough to have them cross the boundary onto my side. Well, they got close but decided they had come close enough I guess. I had to carry on and they bolted away when I stood up. I retrieved bunny 3 and continued uphill to top out on the lip of the rise overlooking the next deep gully. I have only ever found Hares in here but today, right at the far end, was a solitary Rabbit feeding greedily. I had to slither along a bit to get clear of long grass and ended up in an ideal position above, and 112 yds from the Rabbit. Another great shot with the resounding sound of a hit. And another instant kill and messed up Rabbit. The Letzter Bissen is not my doing. This Rabbit died while plucking his last meal.

    While I took meat from Rabbits 1 and 2 I debated what I could retreive from Rabbits 3 and 4, but decided it wasn't worthwhile. There was just too much impact destruction so they were discarded.

    Discarded ...
    keyboard checker tool

    The morning warmed up nicely despite the buffetting breeze and at that point was surprised that it was still relatively early. I thought I would walk on to check some paddocks further back. I got up onto a farm track and near the top there is another deep gully falling away roughly westwards. I sneaked in behind tall flaxes to stay unseen as I peered into the gully where I spied a Magpie fossicking about. These super alert birds usually panic into immediate flight upon seeing any human but this one was oblivious. I knew it was easily in range but cheekily ranged it anyway at 97 yds before pulling off another perfect shot that anchored the Magpie on the spot. I always regard Magpies as a bonus target. There's plenty around here but they are seldom silly enough to present themselves nicely enough to be shot.

    I finally reached the last paddock, a big one I hadn't hunted for a while as the farmer has used it for cropping for two or three years. But, it's back in grass now. I cast my gaze over the expanse a couple of times before spying something that suggested a possibility. Getting the binos up I found a brownish form displaying abrupt little movements and I wasn't immediately certain of what it was. I wondered if it was a cat but soon saw the ears of a Hare. I think it was feeding but obviously staying very low as it was not easy to see. I definitely ranged this one as it looked a good distance out and found it was 155 yds. Way across the landscape but directly behind the Hare was somebodys house and for safetys sake I needed to reposition for a safe shot. This achieved I lay down at 145 yds ranged, extended the bipod and examined the Hare with the binos. With his form so low it was damn hard to see detail but finally I could see his head to my right as he turned ever so slightly my way. I lined up and held very carefully for the shot and decided I would hold the crosshair just down slightly into the grass to be sure I didn't shoot over the top. I was sure I was holding forward on the shoulder as I controlled my breathing and ever so carefully sent the shot. I heard the sound of impact and the Hare lept wildly into the air two or three times then disappeared from sight. Nothing else stirred after waiting several minutes so I made my way over there and soon found the crumpled form of a dead Hare. I was pleased my shot managed to connect. That was the most difficult shot on a Hare that I can remember. My shot had taken him in the neck, which explained the fanatical break dancing but it meant I could recover almost the entire Hare. I have a friend who appreciates the meat.
    The shot exiting the neck passed through the left ear as the Hare was keeping such a low profile. First time I've done something like that.

    Well, that almost wrapped up my morning. I headed back to the truck and ensured I passed a spot where I have sometimes seen Hares hanging around. I cast my unaided gaze over the area and saw nothing. I should have used the binos. I was walking away when some instinct made me turn and look back. Of course, there was a Hare loping away and as I watched he went over a small rise out of sight. Unexpectedly it didn't reappear out the other side and thinking there was hope I hustled around to get a look into the dip. The Hare shoud have been there but I just couldn't see anything. I moved again and the Hare, sitting hard, unseen, against a fence post rocketd away. I contemplated a running shot but realised it would probably be wasted so just watched the escape unfold. Ahh... always lessons to be learned for next time.
    It had been a great little outing. I'm looking forward to the next one.
    Last edited by 30.06king; 03-11-2024 at 09:59 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Had the enjoyable task today of taking the 300 Blaser Magnum out for a few quick shots to check both the rifle and I are still shooting straight. The morning was mild and still and I ensured I arrived super early as I wanted to see if I could catch out any critters in the surrounds. For this I packed the little Ruger along. No V-Max ammo this time but just the five rounds I had laoded with Hornady ELD-X 90 gn over AR2209. This is a backup but seldom used load developed a while back that whizzes along around 3200 fps.
    Parking some way back I walked in quietly and scanned ahead with the binos. Around 300 yds off I picked out a small brown form moving around in the gloom. Immediately I set off to the side behind some low ridges for concealment and started cutting distance. Arriving at the pre-determined spot I sneaked over and propped the Ruger on the bipod. The brown form should have been straight below, but wasn't. But off to my left, 135 yds, was a form I instantly saw was a Hare. An easy shot but it was hard behind a fence post for several minutes as I impatiently willed it to move. Eventually it did and I could line up the shot. I remembered that on the current scope setting this load shoots slightly left and high so judged my hold ( correctly, luckily ) and the shot neatly bowled the Hare. Eject the empty, recharge the chamber and while remaining low scanned around for anyhing else that might have been disturbed. Waited probably ten minutes and was just about to stand when off to my right slightly I spied a mobile brown form. Binos up to find a Hare and Rabbit moving together. Gallivanting they were, with each other. First time I've ever seen this sort of interaction between Hares and Rabbits. Both stopped to feed, only 1 meter apart. Rabbits take priority on this place for control so I lined up the 158 yds shot and bowled the bunny. The Hare scarpered. I saw ears briefly in long grass then lostsight. After ten minutes or so I stalked doen through that long grass hoping to flush Hare but to no avail. Smarter than me today. But no disappointment to me. So far, a good result to open a new day.
    Don't know if it was the same Hare but after maybe 1 1/2 hours blasting away with the 300 Blaser Mag I was all packed up and just started driving out when a Hare sat up in the paddock ahead. Stopping the truck I watched. The Hare seemed unconcerned. Quietly I opened the door, grabbed the rifle, ammo, loaded a couple into the mag, pulled the bipod legs down and was actually laying down when Mr. Hare decided enough is enough and departed the scene. I raced up there hoping he might have stopped still in range, but no. I think the hunting gods were getting retribution on me for some past transgression. I had to laugh. Serves me right for thinking I was invincible after some great shooting this morning. But, next time, I will be looking hard for that Hare ....

    oraki and techno retard like this.



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