Are we shooting this weekend?
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Are we shooting this weekend?
Pure gun porn!
Started some load work and barrel run in toady on my new 6.5x47. 41gr of H4350 and a 130VLD 40 thou jump, seems to shoot but still to slow at 2750. I have some RL15 coming and should find better speed with that, although 41gr or H4350 was nowhere near max load. I need to ditch the Rem trigger for a jewel, I think it will shrink the groups a little. Interestingly today at the range in Taupo there was some of the worst mirage I have ever seen, the temp wouldn't have gone over 14 degrees even though the sun was out, anyone know what causes this on a cool day?
Attachment 2085
ground moisture and the sun is what caused the mirage.........nice groups
Ah, ya just can't go past a stock standard Tikka T3, mines in .223 and has a HRE suppressor, Talley Light Weight Rings and a VX1 4-12 with a long range reticle. I get the .17HMR out ever now and then, but you never know what you'll see when you are out; so I prefer the .223.
Shoots very well
Used for all sorts of varmints
And accounted for a few rabbits
Boom boom boom - YouTube
Savage Model 12-VLP .204 wearing Bushnell Elite 3200 5-15x50
does the back of your bolt body have a an jb weld around it that has been machined down?
Yes. It's a bushing to keep the bolt aligned in the raceways.
How's the model 12 shoot Ben?
I am planning on getting one in .223 or .22-250 a bit later in the year as a varmint rifle (was just thinking about the plain jane synthentic one).
I love my 93R17 and that thing is a real shooter, so I'm hoping the model 12 is the same.
Its just lovely to shoot - smooth action, perfect trigger, half inch groups at 100 (many Savages do a lot better than that too). Heavy bugger to carry though, I'm currently selling it to get something lighter as my hunting tends to be more walking up and down hills and less parking up in the same spot. Worth checking if the synthetic has the accustock or not, as the non-accustock can be a bit flexy in the front end. The laminates are rock solid though.
I also have a Savage Mk2FSS .22 which I dropped in a boyds laminate stock as I didn't like the plastic, and I also had a 93G .22wmr for a while which shot 0.7" at 100.
So yeah I like Savages!
Here is my T3 22-204, 75 Amax @ 3200 fps, 53 Vmax @ 3750 fps
Has been shooting sub 1/2 moa so far :cool:
I'm looking forward to doing more accuracy testing this weekend, if I have time :)
What is the tape for? is it because the rail sticks out? Saw a bloke who just dremeled one to length on a T3 and blacked it.
My very humble little varminter so far.
A Marlin 980ss in the mighty round of 22lr, chopped to 15", lightened trigger and topped with a Mueller APT scope.
Working on the 223 at the moment, want to put a Boyd's stock under a well passed around Zastava and work up a load for it. Currently has been chopped a bit (not sure on length) and wearing a gunworks over barrel silencer. Actually bought to deal with the odd pig we come across on a couple of farms we've been shooting rabbits on. Was after something light weight and compact that I could have slung over the shoulder while carrying the wee Marlin above. On the lookout for something better for proper varminting though.
Short barrel .22's make a lot of sense
Took some negotiating with the gunsmith. I wanted 14", he wanted 17". At least it was my side of the negotiating process at the end. Took about 3 months to get it back from the smith; got a phone call in Monday 21 Feb 2011 that it was scheduled for the following afternoon and to double check the length. Think it actually shoots better short and much easier out of the truck.
Beats me. The reports I've read indicate the projectile reaches maximum speed at about 14". Any shorter and I wouldn't really have enough room to mount the torch under the barrel; a necessity as with the 30mm scope tube I couldn't find any reasonably priced mounts for it at the time. The only issue I've had so fare is it doesn't go bang sometimes ... every time fixed by fiddling with the mag ... to put in one with a few rounds in it. Best outing so far 110 rabbits in 45 minutes in a triangle of scrub 60m on it's sides, 100% strike rate. With the suppressor and subs it's just "click", "thud", "ching".
i gotta 16.somthing 1022 and its mint.
fully reccomend the shortend barrel, makes for a very little gun.
was yours 762mm with a 12.5 inch barrel bevis?
13" or so. It was a bit shorter with the factory barrel. Same speed as a long 18" or whatever barrel. No downside to cutting it.
Its about 20mm over in it's current form
Was 7mm over with the standard boy scout stock. I really need to get a better tube stock made up for it. The ACE is getting stolen by another rifle soon anyway.
thats a cool little rig. I thought mabe you permanently fitted a supperssor to get around it
Gun smiths can say and do some funny things. What ever happened to "the customer is always right"? You pay for a service you expect to get it.
I did the Armourers trade and got some gay certificate as well as completing the apprenticeship saying I was a gunsmith. But was just a glorified parts fitter as far as military stuff went really.
The only one I know of that is certified from the UK is Roberta Tiffen.
Not saying there is not others.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. So please forgive my sausage fingers!!!
Non the less, you can't say the customer is always right, when it comes to thing that could potentially hurt someone, or ruin a business (not implying barrel length could hurt someone but other requests could). I'm not getting into the quality of the jobs, or the qualification of the tradespeople, just stating that, in some cases, the guy who calls himself a gunsmith, might know a little more than the guy that owns the gun, hence why a gunsmith might second guess someones decision to shorten a barrel, below what they believe to be optimal.
O_o I guess I should of put an I'm in front of "not implying barrel length could hurt someone but other requests could"
I agree with your statement on barrel length, but if some knob who thinks he knows everything, and there are a lot of those people around, went to a gun smith with is 300 win mag, and asked for it to be shortened to 12 inches, cause the internetz told him it was optimal, would you expect a gunsmith to go ahead and do it?
I think if a smith was asked to do something that was obviously going to cause safety concerns, then they are fully entitled to turn down the work. But, as has been said, something like cutting a barrel down, should be fairly straight forward. The customer is paying for a service, not an opinion. Just like the smith who wouldn't drill holes in a fake flash hider on an M14, "cuz it will make it E cat". Somebody else ends up getting the money instead.
there is also the angle that ******** gunsmith ruined my gun by shortening the barrel too much.......
they then fail to mention that they asked him to make it that short.
they are also aloud to have an opinion, specially if they think what you are doing is wrong in their mind and you are not aware of it.
they probably see turkeys come thru all the time, part of their service is their advice and experiance, like any other professional.
if you persist and say but this is what I want then I cant see them turning you down. they will just do it and think you are a fool at worst.
It's like any trade , you Dont have to accept every job that comes your way, and should be obliged to tell a client that it's not , legal or unsafe , or not the norm . Myself I turn down jobs if I don't agree with the terms or attitude or safety aspects . It's a pc world out there if you are a qualified trades person and do a task that is "not trade practice " you may be liable . Not worth the risk in my mind.
Tussock pretty much summed up the point I was trying to make
Good to see this thread is on topic :x_x:
This is my centrefire varmit rig, Savage model 12 BCTSS in .223. Originally with 26 heavy barrel, now chopped to make it 24 with suppressor. Just came back from gunworks yesterday with the Maximus suppressor. Cant wait to see what a difference it makes. Looking forward to slaying bunnies and hares with it this summer.
Mate has same but with the original plastic Savage stock which is not really up to the job, too much flex.
Would upload pic but bigger than tiny forum limit.....
My latest addition to my gun cabinet. A Marlin .22lr here is a video of shooting it only a 40m .22lr Marlin - YouTube , I have nailed a few goats with it so far thats about it, got it on trademe its pretty rough but nice to shoot.
Attachment 3448
Attachment 3449
Hey guys,
After a lot of research into calibers and rifles and ended up going after a Savage model 14 classic (I've got a couple of Savage rimfires and love them) in boring old 223 (was only considering 223, 204 or 22-250, but 223 seemed like a good compromise between noise, range, different projectiles, powder usage etc etc). Got a 1:9 twist so I can load up the heavier projectiles too. I hadn't realised but you can get those little pills coming out of the 223 at 3300fps or even higher for the little sub 55 grain ones... that's fair moving.
I took it to the range and couldn't get under 2" with the ammo I'd be given by someone at the gun store. turned out it was just his plinking ammo for his AR as it had 6 different types of brass, with the entire rounds weighting between like 177-187 grains. So I took them back. With my own carefully put together reloads I was rewarded with nice 5 shot clovers (nearly all touching) at 100m after about 40-50 rounds of the wearing in and cleaning routine. It's the most accurate gun I've owned. Next step is to get it threaded for a suppressor.
Nice rifle bro. Try some Hornady training ammo
I tried to hit them up about giving me some for wearing it in, but they didn't have any in stock. I'll do all my own reloading for my hunting ammo but I'd love to buy a couple hundred of those hornady rounds just to have some plinking ammo.
It doesn't take long to shoot them, but it takes a long time to load them! I was picking eggs off at 100m with it today.
Can you reload the hornady training brass? Someone said you couldn't (and I'm not talking about the steel cased stuff) but I don't see why you couldn't.