Its an odd world out there for pest controllers for sure.
Just last week I twice had one of my Pukeko traps pulled apart, damaged, and bits of it stolen to prevent me from using it to catch anything. After the first vandalism I setup a camera, mocked the trap back up again and bingo, within hours caught 2 old ladies with wire cutters trespassing onto my clients property to take my trap apart again because there was a duck in it - They even left me a note calling me a "rotten horrid duck killer" and telling me that SPCA would be there tomorrow to prosecute me.
I choose to only live trap and check all my traps daily to release anything that isn't targeted/permitted, same with cats - I trap first then determine if they are wild or pet before dispatch.
Anyway, footage given to cops, they posted the old ladies photos to facebook and had their contact details within an hour. Will be interesting to see what they are charged with and how much reparation they have to pay me.