Savage are now making the Mod.12 varmint rifle in 22-250 with a 1:9 twist so you can run heavier bullets to take better advantage of the extra grunt over a 223. Much more useful than the 1:12 to 1:14 twist most factory rifles use for 22-250 (1:14 for the Remington), which is pretty limiting in that regard.
204 and 223 are also good options to consider, not as fast but quieter and longer barrel life etc, how far are you planning to shoot?
Worth thinking about whether a 'varmint rifle' is actually suited to your use too though, I had one (in 204) but didn't keep it long as a big heavy rifle with a 26" truck axle barrel isn't very well suited to carrying up and down hills looking for said varmints. Sold it and bought a sporter weight 223 which is just as accurate and much more versatile.