yea mate, but I have a .243 in a take down BLR, it just cant come close, to the accuracy of my 6mm rem, but its a limited run, Remington CDL stainless, so that's to be expected, also found the 6mm rem, much easier to get multiple loads, shooting well, right now it will print, 65gr v-max, 85 gr partion, and 80 gr prohunter, into the same point of impact at 200m, with 1.5" five shot groups, 85gr partion is still only 3-4" below the v-max 65gr at 300m, shoots very well with 87gr hollow point but they 6" low,
both .243 I have had, I struggled to get a varmint light load, and something for deer close to same point.
But I hand load, and winters in Canada are long, also lived next to a 500m range, gave me sum thing to fiddle about with, on those cold days. finding compoents a lot more expensive in NZ, glad I have worked out loads on sum of my rifles,