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Thread: Wanting to get into possum trapping - looking for tips and advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    North Canterbury

    Wanting to get into possum trapping - looking for tips and advice.


    I am interested in getting into possum trapping, Im looking for some traps to buy at the moment, what make is the best in ur option? Im looking for something not to expensive, it doesn't need to last for ever when I get more money I'll buy better ones. I have found these ones: http://www.pestcontrolsolutions.co.n...it.html#PESTGO its the first one on the list. Is it a good buy? Also do any of u guys (or girls) have any 2nd hand traps lying around that u don't need or want anymore that u would be keen to get rid of (sell)? Anyone have any advice or tips for possum trapping that u have found work well though ur experiences? What lure works best?

    Cheers and thanks in advance.
    mucko likes this.

  2. #2
    Member keen fella's Avatar
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    If the weather is fine I've been using a mixture of 50% flour 50% icing sugar (a lot brighter in colour than flour) and a shake of cinnamon. This seems to work well for me. With your hand smear it up the tree trunk from about shin height to shoulder height. I guess having the larger smear makes it easier to see from a distance etc.

    If wet I used a paste made up of the same thing but with a bit of water added. I have this is a squirt bottle that I squirt onto the tree. This just makes everything cleaner as you don't end up with your hands stuck together with all the dried flour mix.

    Set your trap about a hand width out from the tree base directly under your flour/paste smear

    By nailing your chain end up the trunk a bit you can reduce the amount of leverage that a possum can put on the chain. i.e. when the try and run off it will lift the leg off the ground so they are in 3 wheel drive sooner rather than getting a longer run up.

    When you dispatch them by hitting them with the hammer, if you want to try and be a one strike hero, do so at your peril.....I always give them a few more just to make sure they don't wake up!

    Good luck and any questions sing out.

  3. #3
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    spreydon christcurch.
    agree with keen fella but we often toted a wee tomahawk.the blunt back applies to its head spelt lights out. A warning though.often you grab em by the tail;to stretch em out for the coup de grace.dont grab too close to the base otherwise you may well get ripped by shagnasty claws powered by hefty thigh muscles.had one old cow open my finger from tip to palm like this.
    also be aware some resist death like buggery as ive seen on more than one occasion so a few taps may be required.my brothers invention of a club-length of rimu with a leadhead studded knot at one end(dad found out later!ow)saw some very messy kills but a lot more 1st strike success.
    foos bait flour&spearmint ,or traps laid directly onto trails and secured with big fencing staples.yes they were gintraps ,nasty bastrds.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    North Canterbury
    Thanks for the replies chaps
    Quote Originally Posted by keen fella View Post
    If wet I used a paste made up of the same thing but with a bit of water added. I have this is a squirt bottle that I squirt onto the tree.
    How long does it last in the bottle? I can imagine it would start to get a little unpleasant over time....

    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    agree with keen fella but we often toted a wee tomahawk.the blunt back applies to its head spelt lights out. A warning though.often you grab em by the tail;to stretch em out for the coup de grace.dont grab too close to the base otherwise you may well get ripped by shagnasty claws powered by hefty thigh muscles.had one old cow open my finger from tip to palm like this.
    also be aware some resist death like buggery as ive seen on more than one occasion so a few taps may be required.my brothers invention of a club-length of rimu with a leadhead studded knot at one end(dad found out later!ow)saw some very messy kills but a lot more 1st strike success.
    foos bait flour&spearmint ,or traps laid directly onto trails and secured with big fencing staples.yes they were gintraps ,nasty bastrds.
    Thanks I'll be sure to keep that in mind! Cheers!

    So what do u guys think of the traps in the link? So I get some or should I wait and see what comes up on Trademe?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I use a wet mix, same ingredients more or less but with oil mixed through. Water resistant and sticks well. Rose essence is a good lure too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    North Canterbury
    Who do u recommended to sell the fur/skins to? ta

  7. #7
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Username! View Post
    Who do u recommended to sell the fur/skins to? ta
    Bit of info here might help.

    mucko likes this.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    I realise it's an old thread but I would also like to know the answer to this question. Anyway, found a good deal so I have ordered some Pestgo traps. Will let you know what I think of them once I start using them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Central North Island
    Some great ideas on here, plus check out Naki Steelo on Youtube he has a series of videos "Titled Possum Trapping" for a living, vids are short he covers habitat, trap setting, skinning, plucking, maintenance and repair. He get a fair few of them.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    Central South Island
    Theres heaps of different traps for sale, some are excellent, some not so good. The PCR traps are ok, kinda, but there is better out there. I've found the Victor's and the Dukes to be the best, reasonably light, easy to set, and they hold well. When you do check a line of say 20 traps and find you have 4 or 5 sprung and empty, the extra cost for quality traps seems insignificant.

    Theres a number of good video's on Yuotube, watched some good ones yesterday. Theyre not tutoriasls as such, but if you watch the good guys you will see what is a good set. Bedding properly is key. Take your time setting each and every trap perfect, you will make more money with trapped possums than you ever will from sprung traps.

    Lots of little tricks too - possums are quite inquisitive. If you flag tape your trap positions then put the flagging tape directly above the trap, about a metre. The tape flapping in the winds gets themn curious. Can speed up your plucking process, plucking in to a plastic bag etc is a bit time consuming in a good ol' nor wester. Theres better ways fo doing it. The "sleepy stick" or 'sleepy hammer" works ok but can be messy, and as some have said, isnt always decisive. I carry a single shot 22 when i've got the grandkids with me, faster and cleaner. I always work one possum behind if things are busy, have one hanging on the 4 wheeler so the blood doesnt get on the fur, while I deal to the next one. Then pluck the first one while the second is hanging. This way the fur has "let down" and is easier plucking. If its hard to pluck, then it aint let down, then its probably not dead! You will find out when it tries to climb up your leg.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    Quality traps all the way, spend the money and cry once...
    Micky Duck and Husky1600#2 like this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    New Plymouth
    those traps should be fine - check trapping rules on DOC land certainly up here no ground trapping is allowed at all - all sets must be raised to avoid kiwi - but if thats not a rule then ground set - but some points raised here - 1) dont use a hammer to dispatch possum as many trappers have found to their cost - get yourself a club - a piece of manuka about 3ft long with a piece of heavy pipe on end works - numbers of new trappers have injured themselves with a hammer trying to hit possums with it -nice clean .22 head shot is way better -2) lure -intensive research showed that a white flour blaze above trap works but initially its the white blaze,s visible attraction that brings the possum in -the lure part only takes effect over last few metres - lots of videos on trapping to help you out - sale well you could pluck fur -check what is selling - I know good quality dryed skins are selling but you will need tacking out boards - drying room - and learn how to do that - another option is green skins - who is buying what -

  13. #13
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    funny thing is back in the day when trapping I never used a lure at all..... just set traps in the right places,in runs under fences was classic or on upright root boss of a preaching tree.... there are some very good books on trapping written in 70s-80s the possums havent changed...spotlights and attitudes to using them have...and traps have gonefrom serrated jaw lanes ACEs to newer designs..the theory is still the same.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    New Plymouth
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    funny thing is back in the day when trapping I never used a lure at all..... just set traps in the right places,in runs under fences was classic or on upright root boss of a preaching tree.... there are some very good books on trapping written in 70s-80s the possums havent changed...spotlights and attitudes to using them have...and traps have gonefrom serrated jaw lanes ACEs to newer designs..the theory is still the same.
    you are right a trap cameoed on a run would catch even the real crafty buggers - few leaves over trap and bang - but it does hit kiwi if around

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Used to set a trapline ala Mickey duck style but bait traps with bitsd of apple and pear! bugger me we got some fat ones whose migraines were terminal upon the "jacko smacko" being swung by little brother.
    speaking of skinning we were taught the jacket method .
    laay jacko on its back rear legs to you .cut round leg joints and zip across groin to connect those two cuts .to get tail skinoff two flat bits of wood either side of tail;and pull .

    right thats his arse end bare -now grab it and pull up tillyou reach front legs -fiddle about rtillyou get skin and leg apart to ankle-cut around .

    pullup till you see base of ears -cut agross these and right round to sever skin from carcasse.
    take a lump of 4xc2timber (or metric equivalent)and insert into skin tube .now stretch and takc in position ,put somewhere cool and airy to dry .check skins daily .



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