A productive morning. There’s three more hung up in the pines as they are want to do when I shoot them near the top of the trees. It’s a bit frustrating actually because I quite enjoy the satisfying thump of the birds hitting the ground.
All but one bird shot this morning were last spring’s juveniles. Since I cleaned out the two mature birds from the pines it has created the normal hole in the territory map, and every morning there is a squabble over who gets to move in. Today the one group of juveniles did battle with a single bird on the ground which was quite entertaining to watch, even more so when I shot one of them, which caused pandemonium. They flew up into the nearest tree whereby two more flew straight back down to the ground... but not under their own steam...
By staying on top of these magpies, and trapping for rats & stoats, we have seen a consistent year-on-year improvement in the number of native birds nesting in our garden and surrounding paddocks. The next problem is these bloody Eastern Rosellas, which are definitely increasing in numbers too.
Both dog performing their duties, with a final check to make sure they really are dead.