Need to draw us some plans pics don't show us how to build one
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Need to draw us some plans pics don't show us how to build one
Dundee, have you taken out a patent on that trap? It looks as though you could market it to the world.
Id say they would be slightly upset after spending a few hours in that trap
Dundee I should have taken some pics of all the maggies I shot in Chch! Did you like my starling shot though? Took the top off his melon :D
Scared the crap outta' a few but it started getting expensive. Rumour has it that a few Canada geese may have gone to heaven though.....
Hope those geese were head shots!!!
They should of been if they were 100 metres away:ORLY:
1 plover and one magpie decoy they will flock in now:D
Attachment 6924
I missed 2 mynas then sat down wondering why and then it hit me. I just changed the mounts on the gun and never checked its sight. Well shes on the dot now so those little shits better watch out.
Yep plenty Aussies going goodbye:DAttachment 6934