Finally got to have a play. Quite happy with the Nitesite setup on the HMR. 3 from 3!All short range nothing over 60m tonight.
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Finally got to have a play. Quite happy with the Nitesite setup on the HMR. 3 from 3!All short range nothing over 60m tonight.
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Should make good chopsuey that lot :thumbsup:
Cyanide cup up above the line?, shame good luck finding somewhere .
Well just to play devils advocate if access was available you should have already been trapping it then you wouldn't have to pay the council to do so?
Currently we are paying to have deer and pigs and goats exterminated and left to rot in areas we(the public) have not been alowed to hunt in case we left anything to rot:wtfsmilie:
The councils are baiting bait stations again,bugger all coons left to trap in our district. It took me close to two weeks to get 9. Oh well theres still plenty of hares around.
Shot a magpie just below the pines sent Bo up for the retrieve.
Attachment 94230
Pick up
Attachment 94231
And return
Attachment 94232
He came down the hill that fast to deliver the magpie shutter on camera was to slow.
Attachment 94233
This Dog is Awesome!!:yuush:
LOL the wife told me today she got swooped on by a magpie three times while riding her bike. It pecked her helmet twice and grabbed her jersey the third time. 4th time wasn't so good for the magpie as she was riding along with the dog. Ol magpie got too cocky, flew too low and a well timed jump from the hound had itself firmly in his mouth. A quick shake of the neck and good bye magpie problem.
Lined up another with my trusty .22 rifle and Bo was sitting beside ready for the retreive.....Attachment 94376
Oh well another day tomorrow he bumped me as I was taking the shot:wtfsmilie:
Would of been another great shot but I blame the dog.:D
Attachment 94378
Ferret. About 20m freestanding with the 223 at night.
Attachment 94379
Took Bo on another mission.
Attachment 94471
Attachment 94472
Heading to the fence
Attachment 94473
And hand over
Attachment 94474
First moggy. Had it lined up, text the owner, received confirmation of pest status. Sent it a v max.
Also retrieved 8 rabbits. Shot more but they holed.
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