3 legged hare?
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3 legged hare?
Haha sure looks like it, the 62grainer made mince of its leg bone and it hapened to fold under when i lay the hare down[emoji1787] @charliehorse
Christmas Pie landed by my 100yard target. So out with the air rifle PCP .22 chest shot 91yards.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...646837e43d.jpg
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It's been awhile since posting, not that I've been inactive! but it's almost a every day occurrence to do some pest work.
I thought I would put a post up before the year ends.
The pictures are few of the last few weeks.
Stay safe over the wally season and two important things! I D target and rule 5.
Went for a explore on new property last night.
12 hares, a cony n a coon...
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I have been busy trapping Possum with Leg Hold traps.
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Nice spotting Micky Duck an eye for detail:), You can come shooting with me anytime as spotter:D. it is a iver johnson but in 410 I've just retired it. I cut 4 or 8 inches off it opened it for 3" which put it back to its distance again. Replaced it with a cheap $220.00, five chokes, Italian made Plastic Fantastic. Its the black one in the picture.
Old school rifle again today
Grass is so long only the ears show
But a close miss usually gets the head up a bit and then they are in real trouble
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Got a few of these critters (7), all of them less than 60m, shotgun would have been better but not allowed
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These 3 looked a bit tired so they got a ride, I finally managed to get $75 JW15 to shoot
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This one was on a property we didnt have permission to shoot on so lived, got out of the car to take a picture and it just turned around and started eating, was only 5m from the road
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Trying out a IR laser illuminator with the NV scope, on a challenging property. Proper rabbit hunting, as opposed to rabbit shooting as seen on other properties which are over run with the critters.
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Manage to get a hole in one on the first round and then the other had to come and see she brought the hole family out to take a look.
Quick someone, call @Dundee, theres a Hare under my boys trampoline on the lawn - like right now !
An asortment of pesties.
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