Got to go for a walk on the farm today. Wasn't too windy so I took one of the hornets. Walking along the track firstly I saw a couple of mynas haven't shot one of those in ages so ranged it and just under 100m so decided that would test the zero and 1 dead myna didn't take a pic as there wasn't much to take one of. A little while later about an hour I spotted a small mob of goats counted 11. I sat and just watched them for a while but they were out of reach for the hornet at 525m plus a lot of wind up on the ridge and no decent backstop so flagged those ones. carried on doing the loop and spotted another mob of 16, also not in a good spot to take a shot as they were on the top of another ridge and no backstop but they were within range at 170m. I just lay there watching them to see which way they would go and also had something to eat. Eventually they came down the side of the ridge towards me a bit, so I picked one out and took a shot at the shot he dissapeared and the others took off. I walked over to where he had been and he had run about 8m around the corner and dropped dead on a slip. headed back home for a date with the lawnmower...