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Thread: 1080

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Looks like Kawekas got a pre feed, still looking for what area

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Broken Hill
    Following, I know it's a bad word over there but I've a little experience with it and it's different here.

  3. #3
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Eastern side, Mohaka river south to about Te Kowhai road, poison drop from the 15th Sept

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2021
    For a good number of years now various people/agencies have talked about using a contraceptive approach to the NZ possum problem. Yet nothing seems to have happened. Still we see millions of dollars spent on 1080 drops. The UK has taken action to eradicate grey squirrels and "The government scientists leading the research say the contraceptive, which makes both male and female grey squirrels infertile, should be ready to deploy in the wild within two years." https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62096272
    WTF is the NZ government thinking in their persistent use of poison that is indiscriminate when the money could have (and still could be) spent on a contraceptive programme.
    Steve123 likes this.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Because they want deer gone too. 1080 kills both. And more. Terrible stuff.
    Last edited by Allizdog; 02-09-2022 at 11:30 PM.
    tetawa, chainsaw, MB and 2 others like this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Allizdog View Post
    Because they want deer gone too. 1080 kills both. And more. Terrible stuff.

    So why is deer repellent used then??

    These are OSPRI TB operations. They are ambivalent about deer.
    Russian 22. likes this.
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  7. #7
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Grabbing some popcorn and sitting in the Lazyboy.
    bumblefoot likes this.
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  8. #8
    Bos is offline
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    The same two reasons haven't changed in 30 years
    1, The hidden agenda is to reduce all wild animal numbers, which a poison drop does, even with a repellant;
    and 2, the cost of developing a fertility drug was horrendous when Charlie Eason at Landcare research first looked at it in the early 90's

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bos View Post
    The same two reasons haven't changed in 30 years
    1, The hidden agenda is to reduce all wild animal numbers, which a poison drop does, even with a repellant;
    and 2, the cost of developing a fertility drug was horrendous when Charlie Eason at Landcare research first looked at it in the early 90's
    (3) Lot of people "clip the ticket" now, couldn't have that change eh.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    New Plymouth
    why cause 1080 is cheap - highly likely contraceptive options will not be really actively pursued because of cost - and there are some problems - it is likely that a contraceptive would go out as an aerial pellet - that wont kill the possum and neither will that contraceptive spread amongst the possum population - it will only effect the possum that eats that pellet - any bio toxin -disease or any organisim that kills possums and can spread thru the population is quite frankly bloody scary -why well the risk of mutation and jumping species is huge and would need years of study and proof of safety -so we have cheap 1080 - overseas contraception is used so that the greenies dont see the animal die it simply cant breed - so their little greenie minds are somewhat placated - so all we can do is keep DOC and the other agencys using 1080 honest - some key points 1) DOC need to stop forcing down our throat that the 1080 used is a natural product -wrong !! what used is a man made substitute that is chemically altered from natural occuring 1080 and should not be called the same thing 2) operations are safe - wrong!! the aerial 1080 industry is littered with cockups - including buckets dropped ,bucket malfunctions, overfly of boundarys are quite common, operator and pilot error are common i.e spills - buckets started at wrong time - DOC choose to not tell you when they stuff up - but the aerial 1080 reports are available online -but be warned they dont go back very far -the single biggest risk is if a full bucket was dropped into a stream used as a water supply - cant happen yeah right DOC not allowed to overfly water supplys yeah right- they are given permission by the medical officer of health in Taranaki to overfly the water supply of 80,000 plus people thats right- all water supplys coming of Mount Taranaki are overflown with bait - and DOC get away with it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    It's just like a cup of tea! (give me some of that popcorn rushy)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Andygr View Post
    For a good number of years now various people/agencies have talked about using a contraceptive approach to the NZ possum problem. Yet nothing seems to have happened. Still we see millions of dollars spent on 1080 drops. The UK has taken action to eradicate grey squirrels and "The government scientists leading the research say the contraceptive, which makes both male and female grey squirrels infertile, should be ready to deploy in the wild within two years." https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62096272
    WTF is the NZ government thinking in their persistent use of poison that is indiscriminate when the money could have (and still could be) spent on a contraceptive programme.
    Different scenarios, UK has other endemic native mammals to consider regarding poison.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    I knew those propaganda, but poison animals....NZ is not that big, if use those funds to traditional ways, trapping and hunting. Some animals were hunted almost to extinction from the place I am from, wild pig for example but now their numbers are getting back because total ban of firearms and hunting 28 years ago. Some may say nz has less population against large number of wild animals, but NZ hunters are equipped with modern hunting gears and helicopters, can do much better job than those only have limited number of shotguns. And, international recreation hunting may also help little but this govt strict visa policy cause Free travelers dropped significantly because of long waiting time of visitor visa application, high decline rate. At least several of my friends got rejected because INZ thought they may come here do illegal work, did `t take look of their bank statements and how much assets they have back home.
    So be it

  14. #14
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mohawk .308 View Post
    How do you know repellent is used? Who is there to police it?
    You are here to police it -

    go to - https://www.ospri.co.nz there's an 0800 number at bottom left, call it, ask...

  15. #15
    Member MarkN's Avatar
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    Apr 2020
    >>For a good number of years now various people/agencies have talked about using a contraceptive approach to the NZ possum problem. Yet nothing seems to have happened. Still we see millions of dollars spent on 1080 drops. The UK has taken action to eradicate grey squirrels and "The government scientists leading the research say the contraceptive, which makes both male and female grey squirrels infertile, should be ready to deploy in the wild within two years." https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62096272

    WTF is the NZ government thinking in their persistent use of poison that is indiscriminate when the money could have (and still could be) spent on a contraceptive programme.
    Different scenarios, UK has other endemic native mammals to consider regarding poison.<<

    Though Science being Science, the information gained will be available and the UK findings could well engender cost savings for a similar effort here.
    Andygr likes this.



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