Thanks so much for the kind words guys! It will really help motivate me when the going gets tough. B)
Offers of free gear and donations: I wasn't expecting anything like that haha, and I'm stoked. In saying that, I'll try my best to get by on as little as possible and see how things work out. Perhaps, in the future, if this project really takes off, I'll consider donations - but for now I'm working as much as I can to save up a bit of $$ prior to the commencement of it all.
I suppose part of the challenge will be to embrace the dirt bag lifestyle and suffer a'll make my stories a little more entertaining.
As far as work goes: currently I'm working on a farm in southland. Perhaps I can sort something out with them, but the plan is to devide the South Island in 3 sections, whereby i'll base myself in invercargill, Christchurch, and perhaps Nelson. It'll allow me to be close to the general region I'll be hunting, and not have to travel 100s of km to get to a spot, and then travel all the way back during nightfall to get to work at the end of my 5 days (while hungry, tired etc).
So I'll look for some part time work (maybe general farm labour, fast food, or at a supermarket etc) in invercargill, Christchurch and Nelson.
I'll begin my journey in Fiordland, and spend 6 months hunting there. I've already sorted out a place in Invercargill to wash hunting gear and take a warm shower etc.
Good effort, and I'd love to do it with you, but nothng exceptional here;you guys need to do your own plannng and financing here. That's all good, but bludging isn't. Do it right and folks will invite you. Hell, you can stay here a few days if liike ,and it's convenient.