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Thread: 2 for 1: ethical?

  1. #1
    Member mopheadrob's Avatar
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    Jun 2018

    2 for 1: ethical?

    Shot two deer with one round the other day. Well, full disclosure - I’d clean missed first, so I’m not sure if it counts…

    I spotted a hind in a tree line and didn’t think she’d hang around as it was already quite late in the morning, so I dropped to a crouch and took a quick shot. For some reason she bolted into the riverbed rather than back into the bush, followed by a large fawn. They stopped around 250m away and looked back, standing broadside with the hind behind. Again I doubted I’d get another chance and I was heading out that day, so I scrambled forward to a log that offered a decent rest, lined up on the fawn’s shoulder and let rip.

    The fawn dropped on the spot, and the hind ran a few metres - and promptly fell over as well, legs in the air.

    My shot had drifted right and caught the fawn in the neck, passing straight through and hitting the hind in the shoulder. I may have pulled it slightly, or I may have subconsciously adjusted my aim for the bigger animal behind. Either way, it was a clean kill on the hind but the fawn needed the knife as I’d missed the spine.

    I don’t feel bad about it, especially given the current deer numbers and as I was able to carry out most of the meat from both animals, but I’d be interested to know what others would do in a similar situation. And hear any other cool 2-4-1 stories, of course
    Mistral, Micky Duck, RUMPY and 1 others like this.

  2. #2
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    I have had a 2 for one as well, 5-6 deer working there way up opposite face...when a big hind stop broadside in a open bit I let rip at the crease got over there to find it's yearling as well...it must have been standing behind it in the same pose because they were both clean crease shots and I didn't see it.
    The 178gr amax fully penitrated both animals.
    mopheadrob likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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  3. #3
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    A mate had a 2 for one as well....thev130gr tsx was found just under the skin on the off side of the second animal.
    mopheadrob likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  4. #4
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    Dec 2021
    Not a 2-4-1, but a while back I shot a goat standing on a stump. Bowled it backwards, good thwack from the hit. Bloody thing jumped straight back up - you bastard! Gave it the good word again, thwack - bowled the bastard this time. F**ker jumped up on another stump about 2m left! WTF????? What is this thing, supergoat? Nailed it again when all hell broke loose and about 50 almost identical goats went in every bloody direction at once. Ahhhhh - light bulb on moment. Sure enough, three clean hit goats. The three buggers I flattened were damn near identical too, same colours in the same places, same size, same stink...

  5. #5
    MB is offline
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    Twice now I have shot a goat and the projectile has passed through the target animal and wounded another. Luckily, I managed to catch up with both wounded animals and do the right thing. Not something I was trying to do. Need to think more about that situation in the future. Is it ethical to do it deliberately? No, because you have no idea what the projectile is going to do after passing through the first animal.
    mopheadrob and 20 Bore like this.

  6. #6
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Mate shot red hind,we went down to retrieve it,got to within 75 yards looked up and it was standing,shoot it mate said,so I did...two steps toward and saw first hind dead with second hind five yards behind it..oops. we had very full packs.
    mopheadrob, RUMPY and Eat Meater like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Middle Earth
    A mate did that with a 6mm 95gr sst on a fallow doe and her fawn.
    I have done it several times with subsonic ammo on goats.

  8. #8
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    actually.,many years ago in king country....two goats all of fifty yards below dogs kennels...our pet nannies were good and bringing smelly boyfriends home..leaned over back of kennel with open sighted 30/30 and waited patiently till two heads lined up and managed to make it look easy LOL.... Didnt have far to cart goats to tree to hang up either.
    shot 3 of the smells in driveway out bedroom window one afternoon but the funniest was when mate n I were selling goat carcasses in town and had poor effort ,heading down road and here are the pet nannies with half dozen boyfriends in tow..we piled out of car,found rifle and made the load in trailer a bit bigger LOL. The two nannies ran home in discust.
    75/15/10 black powder matters



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