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  1. #1
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    North Otago


    I started hunting seriously with my brother 10 months ago, he tried to get me into it over 20 years ago but I never took him up on the offer. In January I shot my first deer, it was a 4 pointer stag. We have gone out a few times since with my brother getting deer however over the last week I have shot 2 6 pointer stags. My son decided to come with me we were walking to a spot I thought might be good, we hadn't quite got there when I looked up and there was a stag looking out of the bush at us 80 meters away. I got down on one knee aimed and pulled the trigger, the deer dropped like a car being dropped from the sky (straight down). I shot him through the front shoulder and it went through him and broke his back, he was dead outright. A week later we went to the same spot, I was looking over a clearing 200 meters away when my son said there are 2 deer over there Dad. I looked and all I could see was thick bush in the distance, he handed me the binos and pointed to where they were. After some time I finally focused in on them, they were 2 hinds but they were so far away I wasn't even thinking of taking the shot. My son was keen for me to take a shot and while we were looking a stag appeared, I pulled out my brothers rang finder and it was 475 meters away. We both decided a silent cannon never got anything so I was up for the challenge. I got a good rest and took aim while my son started the video camera, the first 3 shots were a miss so I aimed a bit higher and squeezed the trigger the 7mm rem mag did its thing the deer went belly up. We then had to make a decision on how best to find this beast, my boy came up with a great idea, he said the deer has been shot just above the sun line so lets get over there and walk around the height of the sun line until we come across it. We set off and once over the other face we split up 20 meters apart and walked around the face until we smelt him, then my boy yelled out there he is Dad, I can't explain how excited I was when we found it. The hard part was yet to come as it took around 5 hours to carry it out, the 2 biggest things I have learnt since hunting is 1- you can't shoot anything sitting on the couch and 2- a silent cannon never shot anything so don't be afraid to have a go. Anyway I'm stoked and I would like to give huge credit to my brother who has taught me and shown me everything and to my son for spotting the deer and helping find it and carrying it out (a big team effort and we all shared in the lovely meat).
    When hunting think safety first

  2. #2
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Rolleston, Canterbury
    Well done, but next time before you shoot at 475yds you need to know a bit more about the trajectory of your rifle. Bloody easy to wound and lose a deer at that range. Once you know the ballistics you will be good to 600yds plus. BUT you have to put the practise in. Until you do that stick to 300yds and under.

  3. #3
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Name:  S1440002.JPG
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Size:  367.1 KB Thanks for the advice Stug. I have done a bit of practice however some shots are down hill and some are not, the riffle I bought was a package through hunting and fishing so the scope is not ideal for long range shooting however as long as I consider my firing zone and identifying my target beyond all doubt I am going to take a shot because as I said above a silent cannon never got anything. The distance was 475 meters not yards. Cheers!
    .300 RUM Guy likes this.
    When hunting think safety first

  4. #4
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    I don't think you actually read my advice. Uphill, downhill across a gully, doesn't make a difference.
    With the attitude you have of "lead in the air" you are going to leave a trail of wounded animals behind you. A weekend or two of instruction, a better scope, and a ballistic program on your smart phone and 600yds won't be a problem.

  5. #5
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    North Otago
    Thanks for that
    WallyR likes this.
    When hunting think safety first

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Nice going but as Stug says you need a dial up scope with a good ballistic program, and send some rounds down range to get to know how the rifle works. Lots of things to consider such as wind, altitude, etc. Nobody wants a wounded animal. The 7mm mag is a good long ranger with good bullets.
    Boaraxa and 7mm Rem Mag like this.

  7. #7
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Once the budget allows I'll buy a Z5 scope then I'll be able to sort them out, thanks for that
    When hunting think safety first

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    the old practise 1000 yards so you can shoot 500yards. nice work on the story
    7mm Rem Mag likes this.

  9. #9
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mm Rem Mag View Post
    Once the budget allows I'll buy a Z5 scope then I'll be able to sort them out, thanks for that
    Don't worry about the Z5 just practise getting closer .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Good stuff 7mm Rem Mag, off to a good start!

    Heres some more reading on your firearm caliber: 7mm Remington Magnum
    7mm Rem Mag likes this.

  11. #11
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    North Otago
    That was a good read, thanks Dublin. My riffle is a Tika T3 lite, I'm impressed with it as I can bowl deer over at both short and long ranges. My brother does all my loading for me and we have been to the range numerous times to test these loads with his gadgets and at all different distances. If I was to put a good scope on the riffle with ballistic turrets then I'm sure I would have the perfect set up for an all round riffle. I guess just starting out this has been a good package from hunting and fishing at $1500 and apart from the scope I wouldn't change a thing, thanks again.
    When hunting think safety first

  12. #12
    Member madmaori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stug View Post
    I don't think you actually read my advice. Uphill, downhill across a gully, doesn't make a difference.
    With the attitude you have of "lead in the air" you are going to leave a trail of wounded animals behind you. A weekend or two of instruction, a better scope, and a ballistic program on your smart phone and 600yds won't be a problem.
    top end advice. I cant stand the old attitude of where there's lead in the air there's hope....quite often there's not , just a lot of wounded animals dying slowly from bullet wounds or half blown off legs. There's a lot more to hunting then just shooting shit. Surely you aren't that hard up for meat that you have to throw lead at every single animal you come across even if you aren't confident of a quick and clean kill??Bit of respect for the animals you hunt will go a long way.
    sneeze, outdoorlad, tetawa and 8 others like this.

  13. #13
    Member HNTMAD's Avatar
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    Firstly well done

    Secondly your very lucky to be able to get 4 shots at that animal

    Thirdly i have shot a couple of animals and i am still not that comfortable at 475m even with a rifle all set up (Z5) as i would hate to go look for a wounded animal, At that distance you need to be 100%sure. The other guys have all said it and im sure you now understand. Look after your quarry and just remember all this when you do end up stuffing one up......which will happen

    Fourth refer to point 1

    veitnamcam and 260hunter like this.
    027 5422 985

  14. #14
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madmaori View Post
    top end advice. I cant stand the old attitude of where there's lead in the air there's hope....quite often there's not , just a lot of wounded animals dying slowly from bullet wounds or half blown off legs. There's a lot more to hunting then just shooting shit. Surely you aren't that hard up for meat that you have to throw lead at every single animal you come across even if you aren't confident of a quick and clean kill??Bit of respect for the animals you hunt will go a long way.
    The alternative for these animals is to suffer a fate worse than death due to the fact the doc block is about to be hit with 1080 poison so just about any death is better than suffering that, hence why I have been out recently to get some meat in the freezer. I do have great respect for the animals I shoot and nothing is wasted whether its rabbit and wallaby for the cat or deer for our table. maybe I can't stand your attitude, do I detect a bit of green eyed monster there fella (a bit jealous of some one taking a good shot perhaps?)
    When hunting think safety first

  15. #15
    Member HNTMAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mm Rem Mag View Post
    The alternative for these animals is to suffer a fate worse than death due to the fact the doc block is about to be hit with 1080 poison so just about any death is better than suffering that, hence why I have been out recently to get some meat in the freezer. I do have great respect for the animals I shoot and nothing is wasted whether its rabbit and wallaby for the cat or deer for our table. maybe I can't stand your attitude, do I detect a bit of green eyed monster there fella (a bit jealous of some one taking a good shot perhaps?)
    Mate hitting it on the fourth shot is shit shooting, don't pump ya self up too much

    Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
    027 5422 985



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