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  1. #46
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badbootboy View Post
    Hey 7mm Rem Mag, I notice in your story you say your son was videoing this 475 metre shot. I was just wondering if we could see this footage, some people don't seem happy with your story however I would like to see the video. The reason is whether it's good shooting or bad shooting video footage can be very educational for everyone, it can be a learning tool to see what to do and what not to do. I'm sure you have learned a lot from this experience and anyone who is interested in long range shooting may be interested in seeing this footage. Good on you for shooting 2 stags in a week, that is a good achievement. Well done!
    Hi Badbootboy,
    Yes my boy did video the shot however I haven't got around to downloading it off the camcorder yet due to work commitments and lack of time. I was a bit put off to be honest due to the negativity from a select few however I have since had a lot of great Fellas on here give me some great advice and congratulate me to which I am grateful. Yes when I get time maybe a month away I will post the video and I would be happy if it does help people, after all that's what the forum is all about (helping each other). Thanks for your post.
    Blisters likes this.
    When hunting think safety first

  2. #47
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    Badboot if you want to see some long range shooting I suggest you watch some you tube vids of someone on this forum like Dr Watson who has spent many hours practicing shooting long range and has some fantastic shooting vids out past 1000 yards. That you can learn from, not someone who takes pop shots at animals and hopes for the best not really caring if they kill the animal cleanly or just wound it and hope for the best. This is only good for a not what to do video.
    We should not be encouraging this type of hunting and its great ammunition for the anti hunting groups.
    kiwijames, BRADS, Gibo and 6 others like this.

  3. #48
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    Aug 2014
    Rogee put up an awsome vid on long range shooting on his youtube page recently. Learnt alot from it myself, is a great entry to the long range game with some great starting points. Proof in the pudding right across his channel as far as if it works too!

    Info components are at the end of the video:

    HNTMAD likes this.

  4. #49
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dublin View Post
    Rogee put up an awsome vid on long range shooting on his youtube page recently. Learnt alot from it myself, is a great entry to the long range game with some great starting points. Proof in the pudding right across his channel as far as if it works too!

    Info components are at the end of the video:

    Hi Dublin, I thought I would take a look at the link you provided so I could learn a thing or two however although I did find it educational I couldn't help but notice the guy clean missed the deer. The only thing I did differently is my deer stuck around long enough for me to nail it and it was a clean kill. My question here is what if the guy shooting had wounded the animal he shot at? would the guys on this forum all be on his case? or is it ok for a guy to miss yet not for me to miss? seems like double standards. Anyway some helpful info so thanks.
    When hunting think safety first

  5. #50
    Member HNTMAD's Avatar
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    Ok @7mm Rem Mag. I will try spell out and fill in the gaps for you obviously not being able to read between the lines

    Firstly the difference between a miss and a hit/gut shot /shoot it in the back leg (like your first video) is that most hunters edit that stuff out and dont show it. Because of the grief you get. I can guarantee if these guys had gut shot it or shot it in the leg (like you in your first vid) they would not have shown it. Like others have said we have all done it, even me ....... wow yes the best hunter on the forum by far as you have previously posted.

    Secondly you are shooting a great calibre for long range but lack any decent optic for shooting in my opinion past 300m, instead you opt for a lead in the air is gd attitude. You also lack the ability based on the set up you have, clearly with 4 shots (3 miss 1 hit) at 475m. These guys dont display that or they would have all fired shots like WW3, sure its all down to the $$$ and being able to afford it, these guys have all spent massive amounts of dollars to ensure they have the best opportunity of a 1 shot kill. Yes he missed but as stated the guy had a feeling they were going to run so took a shot, How do we know it wasnt at head or neck or even chest and by the time brain says pull trigger the deer can have moved far enough for a hit. You have to have the right gear for the job, bit like racing a mini in a formula 1 race and hoping to win.

    Thirdly you showed in one of your first videos taking a shot at some reasonable distance in massive wind and missing at least one or two times before you shot the poor stag in the back leg(again it could have been edited out like most others including me would have) secondly when you shot this last stag you missed 3 times before your fourth one made a "Clean Kill"

    See this forum is all about supporting each other and helping each other, thats how the majority of us have improved, the difference between the bulk of them and you (and some others) as stated by others is you are arogant and cant handle the feedback given by experienced people on here, and yes a lot of them are way better and more experienced than me. You either need to pull ya head out of your arse, smell the roses, think about what you are posting, take the feedback on board, consider how some of us will react and move on or sign off and go somewhere else.

    on another note
    Keeping things secret about where all these dead birds are because you think someone may find your hunting paradise.....which is now poisoned is just stupid. It helps no one and makes you look like a chump. Example. I came accross a dead deer after a 1080 drop that had deer repellant on it, the area was the Haurangi's Good luck finding where it is when its 10,000 plus hectares. see the difference between my statement and how you reacted on another thread.

    There are plenty of guys on here that are happy to help you on your journey, including me but you need to be open to it.

    Regards and having a great day....

    Hamish "The best hunter on the forum"
    027 5422 985

  6. #51
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HNTMAD View Post
    Ok @7mm Rem Mag. I will try spell out and fill in the gaps for you obviously not being able to read between the lines

    Firstly the difference between a miss and a hit/gut shot /shoot it in the back leg (like your first video) is that most hunters edit that stuff out and dont show it. Because of the grief you get. I can guarantee if these guys had gut shot it or shot it in the leg (like you in your first vid) they would not have shown it. Like others have said we have all done it, even me ....... wow yes the best hunter on the forum by far as you have previously posted.

    Secondly you are shooting a great calibre for long range but lack any decent optic for shooting in my opinion past 300m, instead you opt for a lead in the air is gd attitude. You also lack the ability based on the set up you have, clearly with 4 shots (3 miss 1 hit) at 475m. These guys dont display that or they would have all fired shots like WW3, sure its all down to the $$$ and being able to afford it, these guys have all spent massive amounts of dollars to ensure they have the best opportunity of a 1 shot kill. Yes he missed but as stated the guy had a feeling they were going to run so took a shot, How do we know it wasnt at head or neck or even chest and by the time brain says pull trigger the deer can have moved far enough for a hit. You have to have the right gear for the job, bit like racing a mini in a formula 1 race and hoping to win.

    Thirdly you showed in one of your first videos taking a shot at some reasonable distance in massive wind and missing at least one or two times before you shot the poor stag in the back leg(again it could have been edited out like most others including me would have) secondly when you shot this last stag you missed 3 times before your fourth one made a "Clean Kill"

    See this forum is all about supporting each other and helping each other, thats how the majority of us have improved, the difference between the bulk of them and you (and some others) as stated by others is you are arogant and cant handle the feedback given by experienced people on here, and yes a lot of them are way better and more experienced than me. You either need to pull ya head out of your arse, smell the roses, think about what you are posting, take the feedback on board, consider how some of us will react and move on or sign off and go somewhere else.

    on another note
    Keeping things secret about where all these dead birds are because you think someone may find your hunting paradise.....which is now poisoned is just stupid. It helps no one and makes you look like a chump. Example. I came accross a dead deer after a 1080 drop that had deer repellant on it, the area was the Haurangi's Good luck finding where it is when its 10,000 plus hectares. see the difference between my statement and how you reacted on another thread.

    There are plenty of guys on here that are happy to help you on your journey, including me but you need to be open to it.

    Regards and having a great day....

    Hamish "The best hunter on the forum"
    Yeah Hamish thanks for spelling it out for me I do get it now. I was thinking all this time I was the only one who was human on this forum as all you guys were doing one shot clean kills and I couldn't figure out how you were all doing it however now you have admitted you miss and you have wounded animals it all makes sense. I'm sorry for posting honest stories that's just what I thought everyone did here but as someone has quite rightly pointed out some animal activist could read it and take offence something I didn't think about. You do however realize Hamish that I will have to take back the bit about you being the best hunter on this forum in light of your latest confession. I have said numerous times before that I am keen to learn and some guys on here have helped me already to which I am grateful. Thanks again for clearing it up Hamish and I will be careful what I post in future.
    HNTMAD and Blisters like this.
    When hunting think safety first

  7. #52
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Now guys you just made my day

    I'm off to watch this he sound of music

    Nar but in all seriousness good of you to all shack keyboards and sort of this out
    madmaori and 7mm Rem Mag like this.

  8. #53
    Join Date
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    Yeap it's pretty gripping shit. Its Time to move right along aye
    Gibo and 7mm Rem Mag like this.

  9. #54
    Member craigc's Avatar
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    Hey @7mm Rem Mag

    You've discovered an awesome lifestyle/recreational activity, your life will change...

    Well done on gettng some deer, it took me longer that than that to get one.

    We're all learning everyday, I've been hunting for over thirty years and I'm learning all the time. This forum is a great place to learn, respect it and you'll benefit - there's some real helpful and great guys on here (plus the odd tosser!).

    I've noticed that your scope is missing it's windage adjustment cap/cover; do you always hunt with it off?
    7mm Rem Mag likes this.

  10. #55
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Hamish is correct that people do miss, but the reason for the miss is impotant, and how the shot was set up.
    If you have a wild guess about your trajectory for a 475m shot you are probably going to miss, and you might get lucky and hit it on the 4th shot.
    But people like Hamish, craigc and myself, don't take a wild guess.
    Before I go shooting at animals with a new set-up I shoot my amuuntion over a chronograph to get the velocity. Then I go somewhere I can shot at targets out to 600-800yds to check where my rounds are actually hitting. I use all this information to make up a drop chart or to enter the info into my ballistic ap. I have also checked the adjustments on my scope right out to 25 MOA of adjustment.
    My shot shot set-up would be, range the animal, check the angle of the shot, check the barometric pressure and temperature. Use my wind meter to get a wind reading where I am, and use that to estimate the wind between me and the animal (this is the hardest part). Then enter all this data into my ballistic app to get the information to dial in to my scope.
    Then I can aim straight at the animal where I want to hit it, much easier than aiming above and estimating where it will hit. This all takes time to do, but if the animal moves off before I get the shot then so be it. Yes I have missed animals like this. Maily because of wind, or a shit trigger pull. But if I miss with the first shot, and didn't see where the round went to be able to make a correction, I don't fire a second shot.

    This all sounds really complicated, but can easily be learnt in a day or weekend. If you live near christchurch i will happily give you some pointers. Long range shooting is a lot of fun, but you do owe it to the animals to do it right.

  11. #56
    Member Rusky's Avatar
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    Jeepers that was a long read. What i got out of it is that you learnt to take what was said on board.

    None of us are perfect. I better not confess to shooting 2 deer with one bullet a few weeks ago and having to follow up and put the second deer out of its misery with a few more shots. Was it intentional? He'll no, couldn't do it again if I tried bush hunting Sika. Did i feel stink about it? Yep for sure. But in hindsight the second deer was found quickly and not left to die a slow agonising death.
    7mm Rem Mag likes this.

  12. #57
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by craigc View Post
    Hey @7mm Rem Mag

    You've discovered an awesome lifestyle/recreational activity, your life will change...

    Well done on gettng some deer, it took me longer that than that to get one.

    We're all learning everyday, I've been hunting for over thirty years and I'm learning all the time. This forum is a great place to learn, respect it and you'll benefit - there's some real helpful and great guys on here (plus the odd tosser!).

    I've noticed that your scope is missing it's windage adjustment cap/cover; do you always hunt with it off?
    Yeah I'm not sure where I lost the cover but it's just cosmetic, yeah hunt with it off. Thanks for your post, I am learning heaps thanks. It is a great lifestyle/recreation and I do enjoy it. Thanks for the well wishes Craig.
    When hunting think safety first

  13. #58
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stug View Post
    Hamish is correct that people do miss, but the reason for the miss is impotant, and how the shot was set up.
    If you have a wild guess about your trajectory for a 475m shot you are probably going to miss, and you might get lucky and hit it on the 4th shot.
    But people like Hamish, craigc and myself, don't take a wild guess.
    Before I go shooting at animals with a new set-up I shoot my amuuntion over a chronograph to get the velocity. Then I go somewhere I can shot at targets out to 600-800yds to check where my rounds are actually hitting. I use all this information to make up a drop chart or to enter the info into my ballistic ap. I have also checked the adjustments on my scope right out to 25 MOA of adjustment.
    My shot shot set-up would be, range the animal, check the angle of the shot, check the barometric pressure and temperature. Use my wind meter to get a wind reading where I am, and use that to estimate the wind between me and the animal (this is the hardest part). Then enter all this data into my ballistic app to get the information to dial in to my scope.
    Then I can aim straight at the animal where I want to hit it, much easier than aiming above and estimating where it will hit. This all takes time to do, but if the animal moves off before I get the shot then so be it. Yes I have missed animals like this. Maily because of wind, or a shit trigger pull. But if I miss with the first shot, and didn't see where the round went to be able to make a correction, I don't fire a second shot.

    This all sounds really complicated, but can easily be learnt in a day or weekend. If you live near christchurch i will happily give you some pointers. Long range shooting is a lot of fun, but you do owe it to the animals to do it right.
    Thanks stug, some good info there
    When hunting think safety first

  14. #59
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rusky View Post
    Jeepers that was a long read. What i got out of it is that you learnt to take what was said on board.

    None of us are perfect. I better not confess to shooting 2 deer with one bullet a few weeks ago and having to follow up and put the second deer out of its misery with a few more shots. Was it intentional? He'll no, couldn't do it again if I tried bush hunting Sika. Did i feel stink about it? Yep for sure. But in hindsight the second deer was found quickly and not left to die a slow agonising death.
    Good shit 2 with one shot, well done mate!
    Boaraxa likes this.
    When hunting think safety first

  15. #60
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Im just getting into longer range shooting myself , spent years gestamating & holding high if I couldn't get closer ,but now iv got a 7mm rm , rangefinder & reasonable scope , I was quite surprised how crap my shooting was on paper for a while there , sooo embarrassing in front of friends lol as all id ever really done was sight in 3" high at 100 & left it at that but now a real GC forum member aka Mac took my rifle & developed a wicked load , so iv been doing a bit of practice only gone to 300 on paper but it was really good to see where my bullets are hitting rather than a ruff idea !..5" low so that tells me at 400 I should pretty much rest the x hairs on the back of a deer & il be filling my mutton cloth with backsteaks I pinged a nice tahr at 307 a couple of days ago poleaxed it !...but im looking forward to testing that out to 500 on paper first just waiting on some more projectiles .
    trooper90 and 7mm Rem Mag like this.



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