Or not at all for non residents
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Dunno what you mean by that?
I am just over anyone and everyone from overseas being allowed to hunt in NZ for free while we pay with our tax dollars for everything that basically allows them to do so.
We even rescue them for free if they come to strife. It is bullshit.
I have nothing against overseas hunters but they I think they need to at least use a guide or have a resident/friend with them.
They definitely shouldn't have a chance at a ballot over a resident.
I can't think of anywhere we can go overseas and hunt for free.
Oz maybe in some places but not for anything decent.
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You should have to live here to be able to go in the tahr /wap ballots
Just put my entry in, hopefully not just a donation to Destroying Our Country...
Usually its only period 7 and 8 they allow the choppers in, so if you don't want to risk having one show up, go for earlier periods, or find out what blocks they don't bother with. In my experience the early periods and the last periods are usually pretty good, periods 3-6 can sometimes be a bit of a lul as the animals have gotten weary, then the last two periods theres animals moving about a lot from block to block as theyre getting sick of being pressured so it becomes a bit of a lucky dip, can be nothing on a face one day then the next a new group comes over the ridge
I thought the choppers were allowed in from period 5 onwards
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Who got a block?
Our party leader received notification today our application was successful.
I wounder if the chopper will turn up in our block again.
I also found out that the very same chopper turned up in the same block when Josh James and Smiddy had it the week before us.
Anyway looking forward to it.
Its a great block. Hardest thing I struggled with was the almost permanently frozen rocks, riverbed and slides that made the going fricken hard. It was welcome the couple of showers that came through and thawed the rocks. Only to be frozen again next day. Im personally hoping to get something to put on the wall this time.
missed out again bugger it. :oh noes:
I read an article by points south suggesting application numbers were well down??
The application number would suggest otherwise but who knows.
no luck for me either this year!!!