40inch 12 pointer
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40inch 12 pointer
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Dont waste your time chasing every last fps, it doesnt matter in the real world, it wont make a difference, all it will do is cause head aches and frustrations. And dont listen to silly old cunts
Some would consider that double dipping ! , but im with you yet to have a red up on my wall , my MISSION 2019 SHOULD I EXCPT IT ....which I have ..I mean I DO , is upping the tempo determined to get that red stag 12pt + that's first on the agenda , got a Stewart island trip after the roar happy being there a deer is a bonus , so the hard yards is swinging it with the misses to head up north to chase a sika stag after SI , around 25 years ago was the last time I had one of those sneaky buggers in my sights ... 2019 HOOAH
The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017