Excellent. Did you make him carry it out?
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Some nice looking stags guys, the young fella should be well pleased with that effort, well done.
plurry great effort to get him that stag.....he will keep that head for ever,it will go with him into his marrage home when the day comes....you never forget the first.
This is his 2nd red stag but his best to date. He has been lucky enough to shoot about 7 deer now. @Shearer i was struggling to move it around so took four legs and back steaks. Tried getting my sxs near it but was going to end bad.
Last gasp effort last night. He was moaning and I snuck into him. Only 9 points. Quite old.Attachment 133745
Looks like he is still alive @Tahr?
Great hunt in the thick stuff, everything went perfectly, wind played the part the whole time. Shot from 10m with the new saum
Attachment 133821
Sweet. Was he roaring?
Last weekends effort a Blue Mountains rat,so thats me rut over. [emoji107]Stay safe everyone ,be nice [emoji869]https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...130788a1a1.jpg
Sent from my TA-1025 using Tapatalk
Attachment 133862
Nice fat stag couple weeks ago.
Attachment 133866
Got this one yesterday
Couple good stags there, keep them coming the guys that can:)
Ha ha @HNTMAD. Just because you are not getting sex doesn't mean that I shouldn't :)
But I know what you meant.
Can you do your job from home or is it all closed down?
Well, I was going to shoot a massive stag this weekend, but I think I will stay at home instead.
And look at my half built house - just missing doors, windows, cladding, water and power. Going to be fun living in a shed.
Station owner rang last night and said there was a very big 14 on the crop.... typical.
Do you tell him to play fair and stop teasing me? @Rosco :)
Do be careful out there for those that do have land and can hunt!
Don’t be a spreader!
Accidents do happen and or emergency services are need elsewhere!
Thanks to all those that have posted there pics from the last few weeks.
If you do have some put em up! Cheers
Enjoy your lock down guys, earn some brownie points so next roar you can go hard:thumbsup:
We are all trying hard to stay at home,do our bit for everybody else and our buitifull little country.
I think everyone is @Trout I don't think anyone is contemplating hunting now. All of these deer were shot before the shut down, and my overnighter even though before the shut down was a straight drive there and drive back without coming closer than 2 metre's contact with anyone. And constant washing of hands and wiping of the ute's door handles. I also disinfected my quad with sterile wipes. I do though feel a little tinge of guilt about pushing the envelope.
The odd person living on a farm might go deer hunting now, but to me its breaking the spirit of what we are trying to achieve. You do vital industry work, or you stay at home.
Here's a 12 I got pre lock down. All butchered up at home now and trying to figure out how to clean the skull as I don't have a steel pot and didn't realise id come out to a complete lock down. Was holding 7 hinds but not making any noise. Way up high so waro obviously didn't hit them too bad this year. Now 4 weeks at home hoping no one spreads this thing further and the lock down ends.
Attachment 134020
If you don't have a pot or a 44 gallon drum you can cut down, just clean it up as best you can with a knife then bury it in the garden leaving the antlers exposed and nature will do the rest.
I have mine cleaned up but no way to bleach it, have made my shield to mount it on too but no way to buy long jib screws with anchors to mount the skull to the shield either so kind a stalled on my mount, gonna have a fosic through the shed see if I can find what I need
You will just need a bucket.
Well done , you could bury it , just watch out for dogs .
Talk to your neighbours, at distance or over the phone. Get them to drop the pot at the gate. You can then pick it up with gloves or leave it in a safe place for 24 hours should be safe to handle then.
Otherwise as said bury it in the garden and watch out for the dogs:)
My neighbours are hippys hahaha have it in a storage tub of water to try the maceration method. Have buried them before but never found they whitened back up.
Early Feb shot this 11 pointer stag up past the mountain in the photo. He had 8 hinds with him. Was a 14 hr mission from leaving camp early and back again with a very heavy pack!
Attachment 134119
You have a link for that! Cheers @Hiawatha
Sorry to disappoint you Tahr, but this might be smaller, poor little fellas nuts hadn't even dropped.
I was away hunting when all this lockdown stuff developed, and got home Thursday evening with this guy and a couple of hinds. Never saw a stag apart from this one but heard a few half hearted croaks. He was an accident but a tasty one.
That's a 270 for scale but he got a 7.62x39
You mean they not dropped like these jewels https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...20e38050ca.jpg
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2 pointer shot mid March and probly be my best for roar 2020. Can wait for freedom
Attachment 134347
Trust you to like it @Tahr :D