Nice looking beast[emoji106]
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Nice looking beast[emoji106]
Sent from my TA-1025 using Tapatalk
Good shooting, nice stag.
Couple other shitters of late
Attachment 136153
Attachment 136155
When you say "of late" exactly what does that mean.....most people are using the terms "pre lockdown"
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Yeah that
Well all I've heard is that 'hunting is inherently dangerous and generally results in vast amounts of time and money being spent on rescuing silly hunters' This being pushed by the Police stance.
I wouldn't mind the current ban on hunting if it was balanced by some correct advice to the public that closed the obvious infection transmission pathways instead of just hand wringing about hand washing
Yea quite silly of me really
Got sent a photo of a Monster shot out the back of a westcoast farm, 19 points 40 by 40 inches shot by a young lass, she clipped its neck 3 weeks ago but it scarpered, came back and it was hit fair in the chest still jumped the fence and went back into the bush but her and her dad recovered lt. Looks to be a farm escapee or progeny of one, very even and very heavy.
Friend of a friend here is redacted photo.
I saw a score sheet going to 397 I believe.
Attachment 136487
Yeah I saw that stag, outrageous. She is not bad either but being a west coast girl probably could drink you under the table and beat you up haha
Attachment 137061Molesworth stag from the first period
Try keep this thread going! Couple more on the deck
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Any sheperd job up there @Ponga12 :-))
Fallow all over there too now
Amazing - my old Mangakahu - Ongarue etc loaded with them now
Shes a good spot, native for miles
Attachment 138352Attachment 138353Attachment 138354Attachment 138355
I was privileged to be able to go for a hunt in private land near Oxford, canterbury to bring this guy home with us. We got access for Tuesday night, the first day of level 3. My two oldest boys (6 and 5 years old) loved the experience and I was super proud of them as they stood completely still and didn't make a sound! Spotted him standing just off the bush edge just right on dark. He had locked onto me as we were walking along a track into a clearing. Standing shot of 100m and he dropped on the spot. Pretty chuffed with the standing shot as it was getting on dark and challenging to see him clearly through the scope. We got the whole animal of the hill and have processed him myself, will be making sausages and salami! Might post some pics of that venture! Apologies for all the guys that don't have access to private land at this stage, but I thought some guys might appreciate the story of my first proper stag. I reckon he is a good looking one. Not super thick timber but a great looking rack and head I reckon. For those experienced, what age do you think he is? I'm thinking 3-5 years? Cheers guys,
Nice first post and a nice stag, I would be thinking he would be 3-4 year old. Check his eye teeth on the top jaw one on either side, if he was a real old stag they would be worn flat or gone.
Yeah, cheers 7mmwsm! Had a good read of that. The education continues!
Thanks for the thoughts Mooseman!
First fallow for several years.
Was out looking for bugsy when this fella leapt up in front and pleaded to come home for tee. So I obliged.
Attachment 139128
My first ever deer with some antler on top on Sunday! I'm still pumped today; 2-days later! Trusty little 223 did the job :)
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Putting this up for @Brian
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Nice stag @bumblefoot, you will have to try hard to better that but that is the challenge and one of the reasons we hunt.
@Mooseman The other palm is split. But due to family commitments it's my first deer hunt in 6-years. I'm still pumped 2 days later! Shot a Fallow yearling, spiker and the stag :)
Attachment 140609
Took my 8 year old daughter on her first deer hunt, and was stoked to pick up this uneven 12 pointer :)
Well done Brian,i only got a wee fallow doe last week,but tasty.
The young fellas first hard antlered stag, shot on his 14th birthday in the MolesworthAttachment 140800
Choice, that's one he will never forget.
Thats what its all about
2 nice Fallow bucks last night.
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