A place for a brief report from this year....
A place for a brief report from this year....
I’d say they’ve been sunbathing all through first period
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Had upper Glaisnock first period. awesome weather. seemed to be the only valley with roaring action. dad got a nice even 12 and my uncle got a 14. over 30 deer seen. will try post some photos later.
Few photos there
Hope these 2 are okay
Some bad weather on the way too, hopefully they find them today.
I agree with you man that it's head does look young. When we first saw it and in the time we had to assess the bull, we made the call that he had a fair amount of age on him cause he walked with a low hanging head, had a filled out belly and neck and we could barely see any pedicle. Once we got him back to camp we went over the fwf ageing guide and the more we looked at it the more confused we got. When we got back to the lower glaisnock hut there was a member of the foundation there that congratulated us on shooting big mature wapiti bulls so if he says its a mature bull then I believe him. Either way it's a heck of a trophy in our eyes and it's going on the wall as my dad's second biggest stag behind that one is an 8 pointer from the Ureweras.
Not always easy to make accurate age and potential judgements on the fly, especially in the scrub. Not all of us have the fancy spotters and gear that you see on the hunting shows. Dulley’s make it look easy, but there’s a life time of experience behind the optics. Even harder if you’ve not had much experience in Fiordland looking at waps on the hoof.
Made a video of the trip if anyone's interested.