I have a new (second hand) Tikka 22-250 with 20inch barrel. 1:14 twist so will favour the lighter projectiles. I have just put on my Vixen 3-12x40 so needed some ammo to sight in. I got 60 odd PPU cases to use for hand loading (more questions later) so got a box of PPU 55gr ammo to keep consistent cases which I hear are ok. Very good value also so was wonder if others had used these (or 223) on Fallow or Nanny Thar. This will be a wallaby and hare gun, but there are often Fallow and Thar in places I go so wondering how the PPU bullet would go behind the shoulder from actual experience.
Longer term I will load up VMAX (I have 100) for Wallabies and some Barnes for the odd bigger animal…..unless the PPU are good and accurate.