22 mag for goats?
Some feral goats have turned up on the farm. First time I or any my neighbours have seen any in our neighbourhood. A billy and 3 or 4 nannies that probably wandered down the valley from the pine blocks.
I'm going to clean them out. They were not afraid of me so I presume have never been shot at, and I want to get as many of them at first opportunity.
I've only ever shot them with a centrefire (35ish years ago) but I'd like to use a semiauto 22 mag (CZ512). Is that going to cut the mustard?
Plan B is 223 for long sniping shots, plan C is either 308 or 30-30 brush guns for when they retreat to the bush.
Well it's gonna need to be head shots so if you are confident with the shot, it's not going to be a problem.
As long s you’re a competent shooter there’s nothing wrong with a .22 magnum, they can be a bit dearer to run than .223 these days but only a hand full of goats so ‘run what ya brung’ scenario. Private land of course.
DOC goat cullers used to use it a bit.
As long as you’re not too far away you should be good. Don’t be too close either otherwise it gets harder to keep track of things. 35-75m is good for what you want to do.
Use 40 grain ammunition fiocchi, Winchester etc even chest shots out to 100 or so yards will penetrate well and do serious damage within the rib cage. Unless you can shoot the atlas joint avoid the light stuff like Hornady it tends to "skin pop"
There was an article in the long gone guns and hunting magazine that included some terminal damage autopsy work with 22 mag on goats.
It's a similar velocity at the muzzle, to a .223 with a good 80gr at 500 metres. But half the bullet weight.
By 100 metres, the 40gr .22WMR bullet is similar velocity to an 80gr .223 at 800 metres.
Consider that.
Much easier to hit the right spot at 100m than 800 though.
Certainly, however with 50% of the bullet mass - bullet mass = penetration. The construction of a .22WMR bullet is different and can be expected to expand at a lower velocity of course.
It's an interesting thought to work through this recommendation in relation to opinions about the use of .223. I haven't offered an opinion about whether .22WMR works or how well.
I haven't shot goats with my .22WMR in probably 15 years. I shall have to add it to the list of things I need to go do.
Yep its doable. Ive even shot them with 22lr and they died
I used to shoot the odd small one with a 22lr when I was a teenager back on the farm.
Not sure if still available but when I had my 22mag I brought a pack of Hornady FTX Critical Defense .22 WMR 45gr.
Never shot much with them but the description sounds like they could be effective.
I've shot literally hundreds of goats with .22lr and my mate who had a tiny scope was much better than me as I only had open sights. Four goats close together.head/neck shoot first and second if it stands still then poke holes in chest of other two asap...they will go down screaming so finish off quickly. It will work but centerfire is better. You can get 50grn magnum rounds but bog std Winchester works well.ive shot many wallabies a couple of goats and a red stag using it.
My father has shot a shitload of Fallow with 22magnum and even more goats.
It will work fine given good placement and short ranges........
But if you have a more powerful chambering I would use that...223rem annihilates Goats.
it will do the job, but in bulk 223 is just as cheap. but if 22m yanks your crank i have anfired 22m semi, suppressor and nv scope i may part with
1 Attachment(s)
I chickened out and went with Plan B, the 223.
Attachment 257794