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Have enjoyed experimenting with heaps of calibers over the decades, and in last 3-4 years bought and thoroughly range and field tested the 22 Magnum. Marlin model 982S heavy barrel. Nice little caliber - I like it. BUT...while mine was capable of 0.3-0.4" groups at 50m for two of us, and 0.7" at 100m, it was quite wind affected and not the rifle I'd pick for head shooting in a range of conditions. Proved ideal in near still conditions for popping light framed bunnies and hares. But would I use it as best caliber for medium frame animals - eg 40-60kg goats? No. 223 and 243 much better.
It may be old school but the key requirement in caliber choice for any game species is ethical shooting, ethical killing. If we go out there to kill animals - for pest control or meat - we need to make that killing as quick and painless, as humane as possible. 22 magnum 'can' kill some medium frame animals - sometimes - but the kill is much more assured with the much harder hitting 223 or 243. Both the latter ideal also for wider target zone shoulder or lower chest shots. They no longer rely on head shooting.
22 magnum a fun little round, and may at times drop a wallaby or goat, but its not the ideal caliber this task. I also have 223 and 243 in the closet and would pick one of those every time. I have found the 243 hits hard and drops goats very efficiently.