Yep well, Like you I grew up shooting goats and pigs with a .22 at Marokopa. Which farm were you shooting on? From there I Progressed in overlapping rough order through 303, 6.5x55, 270,222, 308,280AI,6.5 Grendel,223, 6.5/284 and back to 270. With some minor dabbles with other calibres as well.
Hunted with/ Took hundreds of people hunting, Guided for a bit. So those are my frame's of reference.
So I read what you wrote, and Call BS myself on your story of a guy only neck shooting with 708. Because if you are that uncomfortable with a calibre you wouldn't use it. Plus its an irrational position too hold.
what level of BS have you been sold Nick?
I ask because I feel that that's an unreasonable accusation to lay on most of the people commenting in this thread.