Something like these 2 with a 75g eldm
Attachment 193150
Attachment 193151
Bullet entered just above the eye on the 2nd one, and did a fair amount of damage
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Something like these 2 with a 75g eldm
Attachment 193150
Attachment 193151
Bullet entered just above the eye on the 2nd one, and did a fair amount of damage
Its suprising the damage such a little pill makes, one of mine from the other night broke the solid bone on the front leg plus did numerous other damage
Here it is. I wore it out, so rejuvenated it.
@Jaco Goosen on here did the smithing with a fluted 20" true flight 1:8 barrel. I went up a contour from the Savage Lightweight barrel to Tikka contour. It brought the weight up to 6.5lb bare, but wow it shoots. Jaco also re-bedded it nicely too
Tonight I fired a dozen shots using ammo loaded for the old barrel. 69 grn Targex and 69 Sierra Tipped averaged a bit over .5" for 3 shots. One single group with 77 grn Sierra Tipped loaded to just touch the lands of the new barrel went .75" with one flyer that might have been me. Pretty damned cool.
And to cap it after 12 shots, using Hoppes, there is no sign of copper. Jaco said that it looked a perfect barrel through the bore 'scope.
It isn't cheap this re-barreling thing but Im pretty damned delighted with the out come.
And, and, to double cap it off I'm baby sitting a Wairarapa sheep station for the owner for a few days and the Fallow are croaking here :) :)
Attachment 193766
Yes. I have 300 80grn Targex coming. If they don't work in this I have a long mag for my Tikka. If I die soon and you are the first person at our door there are 2000 .224 projectiles to sort through. :) In reality that is only 12 more Wallaby trips and a couple of years deer trips and I don't intend to be gone before then :) :) Sorry.
I have a selection of Targex 22 and 6mm projectiles here now - sorting loads for them. They really are beautifully made and we're lucky to have Bryn cranking them out for us!
When you get the 80 grain could we have a nice lineup of them, a 77g TMK and a 69 to see the difference please? Cheers
@Tahr what’s the bipod on it mate
Blooded the new barrel tonight. 69 grn Sierra Tipped. 160 yards. Angled lung shot exited in front of the flank. High shoulder shot dropped him.
Attachment 193858
@Tahr , rifle looks great mate, a really nice hunting setup. Enjoy
You never know what bullets are going to do. This is the 160 yards entrance (above buck) of 69grn Sierra Tip. It was plenty deep enough into the vitals so penetration was ok but the hard resistance of the shoulder mass sure makes a difference. The first shot into the crease was just a pin hole and exited out the flank (or stopped) - when I took the HQ off I could see all of the bruising and blood shock.
Attachment 193877
By my little experience with deer encountering in north and south, 223 shall be my choice for multi purpose round, but not for open field.
150 yards max, should have good practices for good shoot placements, 55gr or 65gr is matter but not that necessary for close range.
Well done Tahr. Beautifull animal and an awesome little gun. Thanks for having me work on it.
Ps. Thanks for the back straps!
Just out of curiousity what primers are you guys using in your reloads 223
small rifle primers cause the other ones dont fit LOL......seriously it matters not a hoot,and in these times of shortages even less than that. use whatever you have got at hand,if you change brand,double check pressure and velocity by all means,but fifty quid to a knob of goat shit your poi and group size wont have changed enough to miss a deer at the sub 150 yard mark.
All I could pick up was cci 450. At least I think thats what I orded. Any good?
Yeah I agree there, I have 4 different types of small rifle primers and have mix matched them several times. For 223 ranges I have not noticed any difference. Might have to check it if you were right on max load for your rifle but other than that just fire away.
Remington 7.5 supposed to be slightly harder and a bit more flash so more of a magnuim, better for the heavier projectiles.
I use them for everything and the big plus is they are cheap.
CCI 450. Small rifle magnum. Cos I have a lot of them.
Found this write up, way back and tried, it worked well.
As for the heavier projectiles H4895 works well for projectiles up to around 77gr but when you go over that use varget, Varget is the best powder for projectiles heavier than 69gr bar none, also a trick with heavy projectiles in a 223 use Remington 7 1/2 primers they burn hotter and help with case fuls of slower powders like Varget.
60g Nosler Ballistic Tips @ 3100 fps
Attachment 195569
Surgically precise :)
Attachment 195570
No meat damage there .....
Attachment 195932
Shot this red spiker through the neck at 125 meters straight down no questions asked using factory hornady 62gr whitetail ammo.
I'm really impressed with this little riffle, if my reloads beat this ammo I will be more than happy.
well I took its bigger brother out today and the fallow hind at 60 yards wasnt really a huge test,waited till she turned and had neck upright and poked a 50grn ttsx through hole about an inch round...hit the deck and slid half dozen paces back towards me..... popped 2nd in head just to be sure...I dont like being kicked.... nope no meat loss LOL.the eye fillets on home baked bread for lunch were delishimo...2 hours from her grazing till I was grazing on her.
80 grn Targex. 2900 fps. 275 yards. Low shoulder shot. Ran 20 yards.
Attachment 196088
Bullet recovered from under skin on off side.
Attachment 196086
In through ribs
Attachment 196085
Out through ribs
Attachment 196087
Thats with 24.4 grn 2206H and 22" Tikka. The 2900 is just an estimate extrapolated from the 2837 with the 20" savage.
Tikka is accurate. Checked zero on way out yesterday.
Attachment 196094
You have to love those Tikkas. I'm already regretting selling mine.
I just found this thread and have been thoroughly entertained and educated :thumbsup:
The .223 is a real favourite of mine .
Keep the photos and updates coming please .
Tikkas are very accurate and repeatable.Just dont let them heat up to much.Good shooting for old eyes Tahr.